Looking for feed ideas without flax/flaxseed


In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2023

I'm having fishy chicken egg problems and I read some feeds in this forum about it and did some additional research as well.. I believe my New Hampshire Reds may be laying fishy eggs due to the flaxseed in their diets. In any case, I'm feeding them Purina Layena / Layena Omega etc etc and I just think I could probably be giving them something better.

I'd love their feed to be organic and to avoid fish oils too, just to cover all potential causes.

Does anyone out there have advice for me? Appreciate any and all ideas.

And for bonus points, does anyone have tips on what to feed them to get their yolks more golden/orangey? (I don't care so much about this but it would be a fun bonus).



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what to feed them to get their yolks more golden/orangey? (I don't care so much about this but it would be a fun bonus).
Marigold flowers are said to do it, also red peppers or red pepper flakes sprinkled on their food. They can't taste the peppers so they'll happily eat them. Also, dark green leafy vegetables, or greens, like if you can let them forage - the yolks won't be as deep orange as the first two suggestions, but definitely brighter yellow than grocery store eggs.
My understanding is this issue is related more to just an increased omega 3 intake. The feed you are using is formulated with extra omega 3's so chances are if you get them off that feed and onto something without that (even if it still has flax) your issue likely will resolve.

I'm having fishy chicken egg problems and I read some feeds in this forum about it and did some additional research as well.. I believe my New Hampshire Reds may be laying fishy eggs due to the flaxseed in their diets. In any case, I'm feeding them Purina Layena / Layena Omega etc etc and I just think I could probably be giving them something better.

I'd love their feed to be organic and to avoid fish oils too, just to cover all potential causes.

Does anyone out there have advice for me? Appreciate any and all ideas.

And for bonus points, does anyone have tips on what to feed them to get their yolks more golden/orangey? (I don't care so much about this but it would be a fun bonus).

Look at Countryside Feed Poultry Perfect! It’s not organic but I love it! I’ve been feeding it for two months now. My chickens are laying more, the yolks are darker, and it has added oyster shell like the Layena. I really like it and so do my girls!

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