Looking for pics and specifications on breeding pens


Poultry Lit Chaser
10 Years
May 19, 2009
I'm looking for specifications on breeding pens one hen per previous. how much space I need. looking to build five of them side-by-side in a row. each one will have a little run attached for the hen and her chicks.
thanks so much. Karen
Not sure I've ever seen specs, or even 'rule of thumb'.....
...but nest would be good at about 14x14 to 16x16.
Then room for feed and water(depends on what you use),
and more room for hen to move around and stretch/poop/etc(at least 2x2).
I'd lay out nest and feeders on floor, tape for outline of area, and measure.
Off the top of my head, 2-3' x 4' minimum for broody coop area.
Curious what you will come up with.

I suppose you've already searched, but here:
Hi aart,
Done some reading and thinking. I think 7 chicks is a good number to plan on a hen raising.so they need 1 SQ. Ft. Up to 4 weeks and about 1.3 up to 6 weeks when they are fully feathered.
So 4 for hen. 9 for the chicks and 2 for feed and water. That's 15 square ft. Hum...that's the same SQ. Ft. I used to raise 7 chicks to 3 months in a watermelon Corral.

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