Jennifer K8686

In the Brooder
Dec 5, 2017
Hi, I have some chickens and ducks that I need butchered and unfortunately I cant do it myself. I'm finding it really hard to find a local place. Any suggestions?
Hi, I have some chickens and ducks that I need butchered and unfortunately I cant do it myself. I'm finding it really hard to find a local place. Any suggestions?
Four places to look: your state thread, NMPAN, Featherman equipment, and NMPAN is probably your best choice as they track processors across the country. Often if someone rents equipment (featherman site), they'll be willing to help you out. If you can find an APPPA farmer near you, they can suggest someone or might be willing to do it for you. If they decline, it's not because they're rude... Many of us operate under an exemption that prohibits us from processing someone else's birds. If all else fails go to the USDA site and look for poultry processors (no where near my first choice). Without knowing where you are I can't be more specific.

ETA: Hi and welcome to BYC :frow We're so happy you've decided to join us:ya
I had seen a place in Rhode Island advertising on Craigslist. Not sure if your near RI border. Was thinking of raising a bunch and taking them there. Then I can do other things around the farm and leave it to people who do it all the time

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