Looking to get my own chickens for the first time!

Welcome! You're in good hands here... and you're going to have a blast! Chickens are awesome!
I'm not far from you...NW Indiana, Porter County, within 10 miles of Lake Michigan. I just started this year with Buff Orpington, Australorp, and Ameraucana, and a Wyandotte rooster. There are lots of breeds that are excellent layers that do well in northern climates. (Think: "lots of fluff, smaller combs.")
I started with a TSC coop in the spring while I built the permanent coop. (Search my posts to see my starter coop and the "Palace".)
I just put extra bedding in the coop for winter and made sure to close off drafts. I also have ventilation holes at the top (If the holes are 12" or more above their heads while roosting, this is considered "ventilation", not "drafts"). Heating and insulating are NOT recommended.
I have a small heater only for the waterer, which is placed in the attached run. (No food or water in the coop. )
Welcome to the group!

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