Looks like I may have another "it" on my hands?


Chook Snuggler
9 Years
Apr 3, 2015
Northwest Ohio - The Buckeye State!
Some of you might remember Cooties, my unusual d'Uccle, who appears to have a genetic abnormality (link added below) where (s)he displays qualities found in both genders depending on the season. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/is-my-cockerel-actually-a-pullet-in-disguise.1115939/

I'm beginning to think there might be a new instance on the block. :confused: Meet Cru, a Crele OEGB "cockerel." Once again, it's hard to explain, but he's different. Always has been. No crowing, zero interest in hens, pale/small comb in comparison with cockerels of the same age, significantly lighter coloration, less pointed plumage (which Cooties ended up molting out after a few months), feminine stance, smaller frame, friendly tendencies, and he makes decidedly pullet-ish sounds.....just like Cooties. Keep in mind, Cru's a little over 6 months old.
(Cru on top, Mini Beast and Sleepy Scott on bottom)

Any thoughts? :) How common is this?

I haven't noticed this principle in my flock, actually. :) Out of 16, about three or four would be considered heavily subordinate, and all still engage in roosterly antics. Besides this, Cru isn't low on the pecking order. (neither is Cooties) I oftentimes catch them bullying others.

Let's just see how Cru progresses within the next few months. Between puzzling over my "strange" cockerel, and causing fellow poultry enthusiasts to doubt me, it's deja vu! :lol:

I have a hen thats never layed an egg, has never made a sound.. No cackle, nothing.. Shes completely silent.. Shes 2 years old.. Very strange huh?
I wonder if they have a hormonal issue. Have you ever watched The Secret Life of Chickens on Youtube? There was a battery hen who had a tumor (or something) on her ovary, iirc, which caused her to develop the physical appearance of a rooster.
I wonder if they have a hormonal issue. Have you ever watched The Secret Life of Chickens on Youtube? There was a battery hen who had a tumor (or something) on her ovary, iirc, which caused her to develop the physical appearance of a rooster.
It's entirely possible. :) Who knows, right?

I noticed something odd about Cru last night. His keel bone feels somewhat deformed - it's bumpy in some areas, and marked by indentations in others. Not only this, but one side of his head is raised above the other. Hopefully it's not a brain tumor? :hmm If so, could this be causing abnormalities? I can't recall if it's always been this way.


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