Losing feathers, please help

The Welch Chickens

Premium Feather Member
Mar 18, 2023
Rhode Island
Today I noticed some of my hens have lost feathers. One is noticeably losing them on her neck, and some around her vent. Another hen is preening herself a lot and looks as if she has lost some below her wings, and yet another is ruffling her feathers and looks uncomfortable.
There are lots of feathers below our “jungle gym”/outdoor roosting bars, where the first hen (who is missing them on her neck) likes to hang out.
I don’t know if this is just molting (it’s freezing out, would they be molting now?) or if there is something wrong. (I don’t know much about molting, this is my first flock)




You might be dealing with mites because that doesn't look like molting to me. Is there any bites or better yet visible mites crawling around?
I didn’t see any signs of mites. I’ve been using First Saturday Lime and DE faithfully since we put them in the coop, so I don’t see how they could get mites in the winter. I think there are new feathers growing in, so could they just be molting?
I didn’t see any signs of mites. I’ve been using First Saturday Lime and DE faithfully since we put them in the coop, so I don’t see how they could get mites in the winter. I think there are new feathers growing in, so could they just be molting?
That looks like molting to me with all those feathers on the ground and with the feathers coming back already.

I too use what you use and they never get mites albeit the stupid scaly leg mites famous for silkies to get.

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