Lost chicken returns.......


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
Mocksville, NC
I had let my children free range one afternoon 2 weeks ago, while I raked out the yard. Upon returning later in the afternoon, I noticed a hawk circling above. They knew the yard was safe cause they all ran inside the yard and went straight underneath the coop. I didn't see anymore outside the yard so I shut the door. Within an hour I saw one of my girls really messed up just inside the tree line. Unfortunately she didn't make it. I went to the coop and counted.....2 short! I knew the fate of one, but not the other! Well today while cutting the grass I saw the missing girl come strutting out of the treeline and went straight to the yard door. I was SO happy to see her! For the longest time I figured her a gonner cause the smell of something dead was coming from a brush pile near the tree line...I figured it was her....But thankfully not!! She seems very well. No signs of trauma or anything... I guess she just went into hiding after the hawk 2 weeks ago..... or maybe just took a short vacaton!

i have one that always takes off as well. i actually think she stays in the yard but i have no idea where. truly. she is a magician. but everytime i decide, well, this time she's dead for sure, then a week or a day later she's back. maybe she has two families, that hussy.
I had a silver spangled hamburg who did that. We finally figured out she was hiding eggs in the neighbors' yard under their storage shed. There was a huge bunch of 'em. Ick!

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