Lost my best quail


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
Castroville, Texas
I had a snake invade my shop yesterday and he ate my best and only adult Texas AM hen. She had the broadest breast on any of them! I was really looking forward to breeding her! Now I have to wait another 3-4 weeks for the 2 week old babies to see what I have. My male TAM is calling and pacing the cage ignoring the brown coturnix females and so is my brown coturnix cock. Both seem to be searching for their big lady friend.

I have some babies but not from the same breeder so I'm thinking now when ***Allen*** has more eggs on ebay I'm buying hopefully a whole batch of TAM eggs and hoping they are like the big hen I lost.
Oh, that sucks. I know that is how it usually goes too. It's always one of the ones you don't want to see go..

I hope you can find you some more that will be even better!

Yup. She was my favorite out of my TAM. I'm hoping to get eggs from the same breeder: allen*** who has beautiful birds and most of my flock are from those birds. Thanks I hope so too.

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