Lost rooster in Princeton NJ


13 Years
Jan 17, 2007
New Jersey
Hi Peeps - A friend just called to let me know she found a lost rooster in Princeton, on a path that is not near any property that has chickens.... Please, if there are any BYCers from that area, can you check with your peeps to see if anyone is missing a roo? Or anyone who can please help this roo? In the meantime, I will do best to gather any additional info she has. She said he is very beautiful...that's all I know so far. She has had no luck so far with reaching anyone in animal control who can help. .
She has no earthly idea..... and had to go back to work....her office is not far from the roo so she will go back to check on him in 2.5 hours when she's off work, I'm sure.... I have learned he is on a canal path flanked by a canal on one side and a lake on the other...so it is really out of its usual element. It's a very busy and narrow path with walkers and bikers, and countless dogs, but has some cover in places.

I now have a pic she sent ...will post..
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:), featherhead007!

So maybe we'll call him Dean :)
Dean is MIA this eve, despite a search by my friend as soon as she got sprung from work. When she saw him earlier, he was truly in an unlikely place, water on both sides of the trail, and no residences or farms nearby. The trail is not a good place to be if you're a chicken, with all the bikers and many people walking dogs. Can only hope by some stroke of luck that he is faring okay somehow...it's so dangerous out there at night for an unprotected chicken...daytime is bad enough with dogs, fox, hawks, humans etc...

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