Lost track of days and turned eggs up to day 20!! Oh No!! Is all lost???


Oct 17, 2017
So I lost track of the number of days and ended up turning my eggs up to day 20. Obviously, I was supposed to stop turning and lock it down on day 18. Did I mess it up irreversibly or could I still have viable babies?

We are now on day 23, no rocking or pipping to be seen...
Broody hens don't have calenders. They turn their eggs almost constantly, even when hatching.
If you didn't raise up the humidity enough, however, you could have accidently caused shrink wrapping.
Broody hens don't have calenders. They turn their eggs almost constantly, even when hatching.
If you didn't raise up the humidity enough, however, you could have accidently caused shrink wrapping.

Thank you! I kept thinking that, do the hens know exactly when to stop turning??? I did raise the humidity so I am still hoping that they could be ok. I appreciate your input!

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