Lots of mice in slash pile near coop.


5 Years
Jun 18, 2014
I have a small slash pile near my coop. I have been noticing lots of mice. None of my chickens seem interested in the mice. Is there any threat here? Should I worry about how to get rid of the mice?

Answers appreciated.
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Mice can be a real problem, contaminating feed and bedding with their dropping. I personally use "snap" traps to kill them...the old fashioned kind. DO NOT use any kind of poison bait. Yes, it kills the mice, but it will also kill any bird or animal that eats that dead or dying mouse, including your dog, cat and chickens. Hawks and owls often die after eating a poisoned mouse. Remember, a mouse that eats a poison bait doesn't die right away...it goes about it's business traveling here and there, slowly getting weak and sick before it dies. You have no way of knowing where that mouse goes or what or who will find and eat it.
Thank you for an excellent reply! I have felt like I need to get the mice out of there. Will start working on it in the AM.

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