Lots of Pics of the Classroom chicks that hatched over break!!

I don't mean to sound short,, I'm just confused, I honestly don't know what an EE is! I needed clarification, I've heard the term Easter Egger,, and I don't really know what it is or how you would tell.
I don't mean to sound short,, I'm just confused, I honestly don't know what an EE is! I needed clarification, I've heard the term Easter Egger,, and I don't really know what it is or how you would tell.

EE is an Easter Egger, just shortened up like some use BO for buff orpington. Typically easter egger chicks have chipmunk cheeks and what looks like black eye-liner markings. They come in a variety of colors.
Feathersite's website is down or I'd post the link for you to show you pictures.
EE's are usually characterized by their green/slate/gray colored legs. They also have that "chipmunk-y" look when they are chicks.
Here is one of my EE's. See the green legs?

An Easter Egger is basically a kind of a mixed breed that lays colored eggs. My hen lays a nice robin's egg blue egg. They come in all sorts of beautiful colors, and often have ear muffs and/or beards.
You little roo there looks a lot like my Welsummers did at that age.

THANK YOU!! You would not believe some of the confusion that clears up for me! I'm going to take pics of the original gang from December, one of mine looks like the pic above, his name is Rooster Cogburn. I'm not sure about the color of his legs though,, I'll have to look.
Now,,, how about the white fluffy one? hehehehhehehe
Um, Kate, #11 can't be from mine. And #15 can't be (the next to the last pic) since I dont have any Easter Eggers. That baby in #11 has five toes. I don't have any at all with five toes or feathered feet, (except the Buff Brahma girl has feathered feet). I didnt send any that were Buff Brahma crosses, did I? I don't remember doing that. No, I don't think so. The very last pic looks like Barred Rock/Buff Orp crosses, so I recognize those. It's safe to say that if it has feathered feet or five toes, it didn't come from me, LOL. UNLESS, I mistook one of my Buff Brahma, Caroline's, eggs for my Buff Orp, Sunny's eggs. They are a similar color and shape sometimes. That might explain the barred, feather footed babies!!! And that would be the first time hers with Hawkeye have been hatched, too! Must be hard keeping straight where everybody came from! Apparently, I'm not as good as I thought I was, LOL. Sorry. (((slinks off in shame)))
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Cynn I'm sorry you are absolutely right! I was trying to count pics with students talking in my ear and got totally off of where I was. I'll have to go back and count the down, the feathered feet were the donors from out here. You sent BR and BO and when we took the pics Steven was just picking up chicks and setting them down I never even noticed that one has 5 toes!
Whew, okay, then I haven't gone completely batty. Thank you for giving me my sanity back, LOL. I was wondering if I picked up my Buff Brahma's egg by mistake after seeing feather-footed, barred babies! Glad you had a good hatch. If I can help out again, let me know!

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