Lots of rain, coop is cold and damp.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Hey Michiganders. Winter is 10 degrees away up here in Petoskey. I went in the coop tonight and it was really cool and damp. I have 6 windows open right now. Should I leave the windows open an toughen them up for the winter or close the windows? As I've said elsewhere on the forum I don't live at the farm, so opening and closing things twice a day isn't practical. I also have a question about watering nipples. Do they freeze up easily in our Michigan temps? I currently have a 15 gallon cooler with a heater in it and a pump that circulates the water 24 hours a day. The water serves as a minimal heat source. I'll try to post a picture of it for any input. Thanks.


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