loud baby announcing it's imminent arrival...


Invincible Summer
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
day 20- Cheeping- LOUD CHEEPING- in my hatcher...no chick or visible pips either. We keep hearing it and I go over thinking there's a chick hiding. It is so persistent and loud. 13 FBCM/BBS Marans....along with 2 OEs. I've never hear such a racket before any pips were seen.
Too funny!

ps- I'll post pics once we actually see anything happening!
2 pips this morning...some yellowish liquid oozing out of one that is lower (about 1/2 way up)on the one egg. Will keep an eye on that one...Pics to come later when I see some action or fuzzy butts appear.
2 chicks now along with the wet pipped one, and another new one pipped...1 chick is a FBCM, and the other is a Blue OE...with feathers on its (her
) legs!
More updates as it all unfolds....
FBCM baby

Riley, our kitten showing great interest in those little peeping chicks.

The little blue OE (girl
well, I totally messed up this time. I got 4 chicks in all out of 15 eggs.Blah! I tried to help that one with yellow oozing out, and ended up (I think) shrink wrapping the rest of them in the process. That one died btw, and today (day 23) with no pips in the others, i egg-topsied the rest. 3 were clear or quitters...but the rest were fully developed chicks- all black and blue Marans, 2 were even internally pipped and a bit drier, and the rest were stuck with the membrane over them and ther yolk not all the way gone. Too sad....

I know better too! I wanted to help that one and I totally know not to open it to help one and compromise the rest . I thought since they weren't ext. pipped, I could get away with it. Next time I won't!
I feel so guilty!
Here are the 4 little tough stuff ones...2 Marans chicks and 2 Olive Eggers chicks. (a Black and Blue of each kind.


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