Love my chicken girls (and boys)

Chicken Girls

In the Brooder
6 Years
I found this site looking for some information on some baby turkeys (poults) I bought and I have been having problems with their legs. It has been many years since I have had turkeys and I needed some information about the turkeys problems. Anyway, I found this site and my questions were answered. My name is Sue and I have a small farm in Spokane, Washington. I had about 5 Black Sexlink hens and 5 Wyndotte hens. They were the best laying hens I ever had! The sexlink hens are extremely hardey. We can have bad winters in Washington but it does not seem to affect the hens. I had a big Barred Rock rooster, Billy Bob. He had some of the biggest spurs I have ever seen on a rooster. I had a freak accident happen when I was at work one day. My husband called almost in tears and stated that a pack of dogs had just killed all but one of my chickens. I was hear broken. They were my "Chicken Girls". We leave the gate open to the chicken house so the chickens can free range. We have large dogs that watch over the other animals but they were in the house when this incident happened. I had to find the one surviving sexlink hen some "sisters" so my husband bought 4 adult hens and a rooster so "Henny" would stop grieving for her lost sisters. It was the best thing I could have done for poor little Henny. The all stick together and cluck around the farm just as happy as chickens can get! I decided to buy some new pullets for eggs so I bought 5 Red Star (they are a red sexlink) and 5 Speckled Sussex pullets. They are all doing very well. Whoever built my chicken coop knew what they were doing. It has a sloped concrete floor that just needs to be hosed down and I throw shavings on the floor in the winter to keep the heat in and the cold conrete covered.

I guess I have been rambling but I am sure glad I found this site! It will be nice to share my enthusiasum with other bird lovers.l

Sue Morris (Chicken Girls)
Oh my sorry to hear about you losing your chickens, I had the same thing happen to me at the house we are currently at and our old one, its always rough to lose your girls but nature does happen. Welcome to the forums, I just recently joined myself and there is a welth of information on here good luck in your chicken and turkey endevors!
maybe you could leave your dogs out more, otherwise some thing else will go after your chickens - that's the bad side of free ranging
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. Sorry to hear about your loss - its heartbreaking when events like that happen. Glad you found the site - its just full of great info, friendly people willing to answer questions & help out
This was such a freak accident. We have issues with coyotes because we live so far out, but, it appears, someone was tresspassing on our property with dogs off a leash. The chicken know to hide if coyotes are around but the have no fear of domestic dogs. The chicken on my avatar is Billy Bob. I have lost cats to coyotes and Billy Bob stood up to a coyote one day to protect his hens and he was the only chicken I have lost to coyotes.

We now have "NO TRESPASSING" signs all over the property. The chickens have a very nice and large chicken coop and they roost in their coop at night. During the day, they stick close to the house and if any danger approaches, they hide under the front porch.
Thanks for your email! I enjoy emailing other "fowl" lovers.

Chicken Girls, Sue

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