Love my chicks............


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 1, 2007
Enid, Ok
So yeah as some of you know I got my 10 chicks, two weeks ago tomorrow, to be exact.
And Yeah I love my girls so much. They are the cutest and they are so hilarious to watch. I spent last saturday and then tuesday, working all day both days, building my chicken coop and this is just my temporary one. I built it out of wood I had laying around in my storage shed but later on i'm building a better one. This one is hilarious, BUT its sturdy and works. I put 2 heat lamps in it because its still pretty cold and I don't want my little chicks to starve. Does any one else have white chickens? These things grow over night! No kidding, they are BIG now. The others have grown but nothing like the white ones. I have black chicks, white chicks, and then the rhode island red chicks. But yeah the 3 white ones are huge! When I first got them a couple weeks ago, I could fit one of them in my hand and cup my hand around its whole body, now it takes 2 hands to hold the white ones! Crazy stuff. So yeah my chicks are great. My hands are still a little sore from Tuesday, hammering all day on that chicken coop, it left my hands blistered. Yup next time i'm wearing gloves. Dumb me for not doing it this time though. ha. You live and learn though, right? ha. So wish me luck with my little babies. I set a radio up for them outside too so they could listen to music. I kinda also think it might help ward off predators because the singing is human voices. (opinions on my theory?)
I_Love_Chickens........I am so happy for you...haveing your girls..I just received my order last Sunday....25 chicks. They are now a week old, and have so many wing feathers...I can sit with them for hours! Of course, my "older" ladies get I have to give them special treats to make up for it.
Good idea on the gloves.....LOL....I am sure whatever you make for them will make them happy as long as its warm and dry. I Also keep a radio in the coop, country music of course. They all seem to like it. We " sing" together when I am out there...LOL. I think they actually try to sing...they make this wierd high pitched "whistle" sound that lasts for about 10 to 15 seconds. I just love my birds and I would like to think they love me as the eggs I get....all are extra large!

Great to hear your progress.....keep up the good work!!
So yeah my girls are doing good, still growing bigger. My little babies are growing up.
yeah I keep my radio on this station that seems to have a good variety of music, has old and new music and my girls seem to love it. I was out at a store here-Big Lots, dunno if you all have one there but ours here closes in may and i'm sad. I keep finding useful things there cheap. The day before yesterday I found a eight dollar plug in thing that has a photocell eye that turns whatever is plugged into it on at night and off in the morning. It was meant for christmas lights but it works! I use it for my 2 heat lamps I have in there. We still have some cold nights and I don't want my girls to get cold so I keep the heat lamps going since they are still a little small. As far as what kind, not sure honestly. lol. I have a myspace for them, its and i'm about to put a slideshow on the front page so those who don't have myspace can view all their pics. So yeah I got 2 black ones(getting some grey on their feathers as well), 3 yellow ones (now white feathered and the fastest growing of them all), and 5 brownish red ones (pretty sure they are rhode island reds from what I hear.)

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