Love to hear some Old timer stories!


May 8, 2019
Palmetto, Florida
My Coop
My Coop
I was just thinking, wouldn't it be interesting to hear stories/memories from members on how your parents, Granny and Gramps, or Great-greats raised their chickens in backyards and farms.
Where did they keep them? What did the feed them, funny stories, etc....
I have read a few comments in others posts from someone sharing, but wouldn't it be cool to read some stories all in one place?
I don't really have any, i just know that they used to take them to the fair and stuff.
Do you have any cool stories?
No, I wish I did. I seen a few people on threads make comments about their grandparents, and how carefree they were on feeding and raising chickens. When I first started out last year, I was so scared that I'd do something wrong because of all the information we have now about everything! I just thought there would be some out there with stories from the care-free, wing it
The only one I know my dad told me: his mom raised chickens in her younger days, and she had a pet rooster. One day the produce delivery man came, and he accidentally dropped a watermelon on the rooster and killed it.

The End.
Oh no! My good side feels bad for the poor rooster, but my bad side chuckled. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time!
When I was little girl....a long time ago....we would spend the summers on my grandparents' farm. I was fascinated by her bantam roosters and their beautiful tail feathers. I used to chase after them and try to touch the feathers. She told me one morning if I sprinkled salt on their tails they would stand still and I would be able to touch the feathers.
She gave me a salt shaker and I chased those birds everyday, and she would just chuckle and sip on her tea.
When we got ready to travel back for school, she told me she would save the salt shaker for next summer.
It was a couple of weeks back at school before I realized that if I had gotten close enough to sprinkle salt on their tail, I would have also been able to touch their feathers. It still makes me giggle when I think about it, and how entertained she must have been everyday watching me run around with that salt shaker.🐓
When I was little girl....a long time ago....we would spend the summers on my grandparents' farm. I was fascinated by her bantam roosters and their beautiful tail feathers. I used to chase after them and try to touch the feathers. She told me one morning if I sprinkled salt on their tails they would stand still and I would be able to touch the feathers.
She gave me a salt shaker and I chased those birds everyday, and she would just chuckle and sip on her tea.
When we got ready to travel back for school, she told me she would save the salt shaker for next summer.
It was a couple of weeks back at school before I realized that if I had gotten close enough to sprinkle salt on their tail, I would have also been able to touch their feathers. It still makes me giggle when I think about it, and how entertained she must have been everyday watching me run around with that salt shaker.🐓
Oh how funny!!! What a smart Grandma!! I just became a grandma...I def will take note of this! hahaha
When I was little (many many years ago) my mama had around 50/60 chickens. She had a coop but never closed it, the chickens had free run to do whatever they wanted. I remember watching them fly up into the trees to roost as the sun would set. And I spent many summer days searching through the bushes looking for hidden eggs. My siblings and I learned quickly that a broody hen has a mean peck when you're trying to take her eggs. We used to leave a few hens to set eggs so we always had a handful of chicks running around the yard. When I think back I often wonder how those chickens survived... they were totally free range, but nothing ever happened to them. If I tried that now I believe I would probably end up losing my entire flock. Lol

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