Low hen being excessively bullied by top hen

Sally PB

Premium Feather Member
Aug 7, 2020
Belding, MI
I have 3 Black Australorps who are soon to be 3 yo, and 3 other hens that are about 1.5 yo. The top hen of the elders, named Little, has it in for the bottom hen of the youngers, named May. This started about a month ago.

It was just pecking for a bit, then got better. Now it's way worse.

Little will peck May on the back of the head until it bleeds. First thing out of the coop in the morning, May will go out, squat flat out, and let Little peck her. I've broken it up several times.

I thought Little was going to kill her, so I built an enclosure in the coop and put May in there for about 9 days. Her head looked a lot better, she actually laid a couple of eggs while in "seg." I let her out, and Little went right back to pecking her, badly. May went right back to squatting and being a victim.

Now Little is in seg. Today is her 3rd day, and she's going to be in for at least a week. The other two elders have pecked May a little, but not badly, and May evaded them.

If this doesn't fix the problem, I'm at a loss as to what to do. I suppose I could alternate who is in seg, but I hate to lose that space in the coop. It's about 15sf out of 47. It's not enough space for a chicken to stay in all the time, IMO, except for an emergency.

I don't want to cull any birds, but I'm afraid I could come home to May having her brains pecked out if I can't get Little's attitude fixed. If I have to cull one, it would have to be May, because I'm afraid one of the other elders would take Little's place as top hen, in every way. Rehoming is probably not an option; I think I'd just be sending a low hen to be even lower, if I could find someone who wanted her.

I'm open to suggestions.
What breed is the little one? You could try those peepers. I haven't used them, but read they can work.

With spring approaching hormones are increasing and you can see more aggression. It's also possible that there's something odd or wrong with the one hen and they are trying to remove her from the flock. I probably would keep the one separately for a long while and see how it goes.
Does TSC have pinless peepers? Or does anyone have a link to some that they've used/thought worked well? I'm willing to try it on Little. But I think I'm going to give her at least 10 days (week from tomorrow) segregated. She has never been aggressive before, not like this.
I used Pinless peepers on a bully hen. It stopped the bullying. After a few months I removed them and she had changed, didn’t hurt the others any more.
The peepers stop them from pecking, but not from eating, drinking, or roosting.
It does take 2 people to put them on, one to restrain the chicken, and the other to pop them into the nostrils. Soak in very hot water first. You don’t need a tool. Practice flexing with your fingers.
The hen will act disoriented, scratch at them, and you’ll think it won’t work out, but after a day, she’ll be used to it. 859D906B-1C09-4BED-8E18-B6A9CB41BD15.jpeg
I don’t think I’d use them again. I’d just get rid of the bully, that’s what I did with the most recent ones, they went to the poultry swap.
I don’t think I’d use them again. I’d just get rid of the bully, that’s what I did with the most recent ones, they went to the poultry swap.
I've thought about who should go if it comes to that. I'm afraid if I get rid of the bully, one of the other elders would take over the bullying.

I'm going to order some pinless peepers for Little. I really don't want to get rid of anyone.
My oldest hen Speck (she’s 7) used to be top hen and was a bully to little Sebright Moonshine (now 6). She was merciless tho no blood was drawn. Now Speck is at the bottom of the pecking order and Moonshine makes a point of chasing her away every time she sees her. So situations do change….
I've thought about who should go if it comes to that. I'm afraid if I get rid of the bully, one of the other elders would take over the bullying.

I'm going to order some pinless peepers for Little. I really don't want to get rid of anyone.
Yes, someone else will be at the top….
Good luck, let me know if you need any more guidance on using them….

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