Lowest coop temp?

It was -25 (Without windchill factors!!) yesterday they haven't been out for weeks too cold and WAY too much snow! I wasn't able to check on them yesterday so I am going out now to see! Pray for my chickens!! I hope they are all ok and that their water is fine!! I m so scared but I have to do it! My grandpa was so nice as to say that he would burn them if any of them died so I wouldn't have to look at them or do it myself but I hope that isn't the case!!!! I used to live near Joliet and as a matter of fact I was born there!!!
They are all alive so far!!! YAY!
The coldest my coop has gotten this year is -30C. I have a cozy legs heater in front of the roost that gets plugged in for nights below -20C. It only heats the coop up an extra degree or two but they like to sleep with their heads right in front of it instead of tucked under a wing.

My two cream legbar pullets have some frostbite on their combs from standing out while it was snowing on the weekend. They don’t seem that bothered by it.
-16°F on 1-21-19.
No heat, tho floor is insulated.
Closed and heated waterer still worked.
Chickens were fine, gave me 9 eggs that day 11 the next,
except for the inevitable frostbite.

Before all the suggestions roll in:
I have copious ventilation, it's just always humid here, I have accepted that FB is gonna happen and I do not believe that coating combs is effective and can make it worse.

This last round of cold the lowest has been -12F or so....
...wind chill doesn't affect them while in the coop,
and I haven't let them out in days.
Have you tried Musher’s Secret on the combs/ waddles? It’s 100% wax, no water, so it doesn’t freeze like petroleum jelly. It’s what is used on sled dog paw pads. For my chickens, so far so good with it!
The coldest my coop got was -3 F last night. Just gave my girls extra bedding and some scratch grains.
No insulation and all five girls are doing fine. Even got five eggs today but they were all frozen and cracked!
Have you tried Musher’s Secret on the combs/ waddles? It’s 100% wax, no water, so it doesn’t freeze like petroleum jelly. It’s what is used on sled dog paw pads. For my chickens, so far so good with it!
You must have missed this part:
and I do not believe that coating combs is effective and can make it worse.
34 degrees. I would never subject my birds to anything colder. It is inhumne. I use ceramic heating panels.
That’s ridiculous.. birds have nice warm down jackets with a body temp if 104 degrees. They do not feel the cold like us naked apes do...

If it is “inhumane” how do you explain all the grouse, partridge, turkeys, eagles, crows, and hundreds of little tweety birds that live outdoors every winter in 30 below temps?..

Btw for those of us here 30 degrees would be near impossible in our coops in the winter.

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