Lowest ranking goose with goslings


Apr 29, 2021
Spokane, WA
My lowest ranking goose it about 2 weeks into sitting. She is a later addition who continues to be at the fringes, but yesterday when she got off the nest the alpha gander and his girls actively chased her off. I'm worried now about her future goslings. Does anyone have experience with a bottom of the pecking order mommy?
I think I see some internal pipping, so soon I'll know. Last year's baby stealer has been visiting the nest nextdoor, so I have a feeling the babies will be taken. I plan to post for posterity in case anyone in the future wonders.

The gaggle is still chasing off mamma Rose when she emerges for her daily drink, eat, poop.
When I have a low ranking goose hatch, I tend to put up a portable dog fence around box when hatching begins. The others may be drawn to nest if they hear goslings hatching and bully goose off nest. Once babies are born, the low ranking goose usually becomes quite a protective mother and then can rejoin group.
I ended up with 6 goslings in a group, 1 more 3 days later, 1 more the next day, and 2 remaining internal pips. 10 out of 10 eggs.

I already had 2 nesting areas fenced off. Omega female, Rose, and babies have been high entertainment. 2 days before hatch everyone stayed close to the coop often running inside. Alpha female spent a lot if time looking through the fence between nesting spots. She had some eggs to sit on and 2 or 3 wandering babies to cuddle.

Eventually the 6 got bored and went outside with all the Aunties and ganders. Rose continued to sit on the nest. After baby 7 hatched she left for good.

The first night all babies slept with Rose (I had to put them together), with lots of supervisors. The alpha sat on the remaining 4 eggs in the adjoining, fenced off, nesting area. The next gosling was hatched and still damp by 6am. At 9 it was dead :( The alpha goose was standing on its head trying to see Rose and the other 7, so I think she trampled it. Rose took the 7 out right after I checked and everyone has been outside all day. There are enough goslings each female gets some to herd without much hissiing or chasing. The late hatcher is helpful since its slower and requires a personal babysitter.

The remaining 2 eggs are are so close to hatching I put them in the incubator and will sneak them into the nest.

Tldr: If you have lots of goslings to spread around, everyone gets baby time.

Ps: it's amazing how they all hatched at almost the same time despite candling showing weeks different development.
I ended up with 6 goslings in a group, 1 more 3 days later, 1 more the next day, and 2 remaining internal pips. 10 out of 10 eggs.

I already had 2 nesting areas fenced off. Omega female, Rose, and babies have been high entertainment. 2 days before hatch everyone stayed close to the coop often running inside. Alpha female spent a lot if time looking through the fence between nesting spots. She had some eggs to sit on and 2 or 3 wandering babies to cuddle.

Eventually the 6 got bored and went outside with all the Aunties and ganders. Rose continued to sit on the nest. After baby 7 hatched she left for good.

The first night all babies slept with Rose (I had to put them together), with lots of supervisors. The alpha sat on the remaining 4 eggs in the adjoining, fenced off, nesting area. The next gosling was hatched and still damp by 6am. At 9 it was dead :( The alpha goose was standing on its head trying to see Rose and the other 7, so I think she trampled it. Rose took the 7 out right after I checked and everyone has been outside all day. There are enough goslings each female gets some to herd without much hissiing or chasing. The late hatcher is helpful since its slower and requires a personal babysitter.

The remaining 2 eggs are are so close to hatching I put them in the incubator and will sneak them into the nest.

Tldr: If you have lots of goslings to spread around, everyone gets baby time.

Ps: it's amazing how they all hatched at almost the same time despite candling showing weeks different development.
With goslings you will probably never have to sneak them in the nest, Your girls and boys will all take them on and actually steel them from you. Its amazing how there not yours anymore in seconds. You did a great job. Goose drama is a fun time of year. Siblings will just pick on them a bit then except.

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