Lump near vent and can’t walk **warning photos**


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2023
Hey everyone! Hoping someone can help us. Yesterday evening we noticed one of our hens had her tail straight up in the air and face to the ground. She tried to start walking and was unable to. We isolated her right away and examined her.. she’s never laid an egg before (she’s a 22 week old ameracauna) but does have a lump near her vent with what looks like a large scab on it (pictures attached). We gave her a warm bath with Epson salts and tried massaging her abdomen in case she’s egg bound for her first ever egg, with no luck of resolving the issue. She’s still in isolation today with vitamins and electrolytes. We also gave her another warm bath but still no progress in her ability to stand up or walk and today she’s been clacking her beak a lot. Any help would be really appreciated!!


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Looks like a minor prolapse. She might have her first egg or couldn't get some poo out. I'm thinking egg. Try putting some baby Vaseline or coconut butter or something like that on it and pushing it back in with some plastic gloves on. Hope your chicken gets better.
Is this at her vent or near it? What color is her normal skin and legs? It could be a prolapse if it is coming out of her vent. And that could also include a stuck egg. If it is not at her vent, then it may be a wound or breaking through of her abdominal wall. Please respond to our questions. Keep the tissue from drying out with some ointment, such as Neosporin or whatever you have.
Looks like a minor prolapse. She might have her first egg or couldn't get some poo out. I'm thinking egg. Try putting some baby Vaseline or coconut butter or something like that on it and pushing it back in with some plastic gloves on. Hope your chicken gets better.
Thank you, we really appreciate your advice and help! We’ve decided to take her to the vet tomorrow as she’s unable to stand up now. 😞
Is this at her vent or near it? What color is her normal skin and legs? It could be a prolapse if it is coming out of her vent. And that could also include a stuck egg. If it is not at her vent, then it may be a wound or breaking through of her abdominal wall. Please respond to our questions. Keep the tissue from drying out with some ointment, such as Neosporin or whatever you have.
Her skin is light pink and her legs are greyish-black. It’s just under her vent to the right side but not coming out of her vent. We did try to feel around for an egg and she started to have tan coloured liquid poop/discharge come out after we did that. We are using neosporin on the lump, I’ll keep checking on her and make sure it doesn’t dry out.
Any news on this girl?
We ended up taking her to a vet and they unfortunately put her down 😞. By that point she couldn’t stand and was having trouble breathing. We did a necropsy and the lump turned out to be a tumor caused by lymphoma.
Sorry for your loss. Did the vet think it might be related to leukosis or Mareks? Thanks for the update.
They think it was related to Mareks. Which is not ideal for the rest of our flock (they are not vaccinated). None of our other girls are displaying symptoms but we are keeping a close eye on them.
So sorry. Marek’s sucks. Just lost my second of two unvaccinated pullets to it - one got sick at integration, the other at point of lay. Both had already gone through Pseudo Botulism ( another form of Marek’s that starts with the head drooping down and progresses to the chick lying flat unable to move except the eyes, then recovering within a day or two). I won’t be getting unvaccinated chicks again…
So sorry. Marek’s sucks. Just lost my second of two unvaccinated pullets to it - one got sick at integration, the other at point of lay. Both had already gone through Pseudo Botulism ( another form of Marek’s that starts with the head drooping down and progresses to the chick lying flat unable to move except the eyes, then recovering within a day or two). I won’t be getting unvaccinated chicks again…
I’m sorry you lost your hens to Mareks as well 😞. It’s never easy watching your hens in pain. We also won’t be getting unvaccinated chicks again after this. We still have 10 pullets and 1 rooster - non of which are showing symptoms (yet) but who were all around the sick chicken so we feel it’s just a matter of time until they all eventually become symptomatic.

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