M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Sweet pea I may know someone with guinnia eggs or birds, let me check I have two hens setting on 13 eggs right now, and lady I know is raising baby chicks to sell after they get up to 2 months or so old.
Ok Mississippi folks I've been scouring the enternet can't find ANY shows ANYWHERE!!!

Anyone know of some in our state??
Why don't we have any or why aren't there any promoted in our state??
New to the forum and new to raising chickens.... Got my coop and run build, now need some chickens. Don't want to start out with chicks, would rather start with 8-15 month old layers. Do you any of you know of a good resource for purchasing chickens this age around the Taylorsville, Laurel, Soso, Mize, Bay Springs, Raleigh,,, MS area. Looking to purchase 5-8 right now... Mostly interested in Leghorns, Marans, Australorps, Rhode Islands, New Hampshires, Rocks... etc. Thanks.
I got a couple production reds from a fellow around Lauderdale MS a few months back he usually has grown birds for sale I'd hafta dig up his #... He goes to the sale in Philidelphia MS almost every weekend.
Ok Mississippi folks I've been scouring the enternet can't find ANY shows ANYWHERE!!!

Anyone know of some in our state??
Why don't we have any or why aren't there any promoted in our state??
I asked some years back about shows in MS and was given the answer that there aren't any here due to "our government" (I don't know, they didn't explain). The fellow just went further to explain that the closest shows to me were in Tuscaloosa, AL and a little further in Florence. I'm not sure when they will be back, if they will be back; I've never been to them as other things always came up or lacked the finances to travel those weekends. For some further north they could probably attend Tennessee shows which are held much more frequently.

I've heard of some shows in MS once but I haven't heard of it since. I think one of the biggest issues is that Mississippians as a whole do not care much in regards to breeding poultry for exhibition purposes, as long as they have their eggs it doesn't matter the birds breed or how well they represent their type. Maybe though since there are starting to be quite a few of us, we may eventually have more shows opening up for us to show at.

God bless,

Here is a link of a free list of shows: http://browneggblueegg.com/Shows.html The poultry press would probably be the best bet for keeping up on it, I need to subscribe again.
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I know a guy here at State who's a poultry judge. I'll ask him if he knows anything more. The vet school here is having an open house tomorrow, so maybe I'll see some extension agents or poultry science people there that I can ask.

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