MAD CITY CHICKENS anyone else ever watch it?


Free Ranging
16 Years
Feb 25, 2008
Northern Michigan (tip of the little finger area)
My Coop
My Coop
A few years ago my husband and i were watching PBS and caught the end segment of MAD CITY CHICKENS which is a realy enjoyable documentary about back yard chickens.
We HAD to purchase the CD so we could watch the whole thing.
Its informative and some parts are laugh out loud funny.
This is a must see for anyone who enjoys chickens in there backyard.
I was just on Amazon and i see it is still avaliable.
Just wondering if other people here have seen it?
No, I'll have to look it up!
I just found it on Youtube!!!! I just watched it from beginning to end! BYC peeps, you will love this for sure!
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