Maggots? Worms?


7 Years
Jun 1, 2012
I think there are maggots coming out of my chicken's ***. Something has been off about this chicken for about a week, I took a look at her today because there was poop stuck to her, and there were maggots. I don;t know where there are any chicken vets where I live; how do I deal with this??
If you go up the little square in the top left corner & tap it, you can search for maggots or fly strike. There's been a lot of questions & remedies since the weather got so hot. If you don't find what you need, bump the post up again by asking for more help :)
Clean the chicken. Kill all the maggots. Put neosporin or similiar on it, keep it clean as you can to make sure maggots don't come back. This should heal up just fine.
Your chicken sounds like it has fly strike. An accumulation of feces on the feathers around the vent can provide an ideal environment for flies to breed upon, hence the maggots (fly larvae).
I understand how incredibly disturbing it can be to have a chicken with maggots in and around its vent, as I had a Rhode Island red that succumbed to this.
It is crucial that you work quickly and wash the maggots off her vent, clean her up the best you can and dry her well (use a blow dryer if you must). Using gloves is a good idea, you may need tweezers to help pull maggots off.
Be sure she is eating and drinking. Don't hesitate to offer her some cooked egg and/or electrolytes in her water to give her the boost she needs to recover.

Best of luck to you. :hugs
I cleaned her as best I could, and she's maggot free. There is some manure that refuses to come off, I'll have to soak her to get the rest. Her vent looks like it's poking out a bit, there's a clump of tissue outside of the entrance.

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