Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

In other matters, I ended up throwing out most of my eggs, I am afraid it was a little too early for barn-kept chickens.
So sorry to hear this.
Well the green egg that was peeing at me yesterday and moving is no longer moving, peeping nor is there an external pip! :( I believe the early bird has perished in its shell, no body is due til saturday So I am not expecting anything from anyone else, but i feel bad is it something I did ? the temp is a steady 101 in my still air incubator and the humidity is 60%, so why did one that was peeping and so active in it's shell up and die on me? I cannot and will not open the bator because I do not want to ruin the rest of the hatch, any guesses as to why the little one didn't make it? I am praying that it is just sound asleep but I highly doubt it it's been 12 hours since last peep and movement.
My eggs are now in lockdown. I candled and had to pull 2 more, so I'm down to 24 of the 35 I started with.
14 of 26 shipped eggs made it to lockdown
9 of 9 our eggs made it to lockdown
One of our eggs is a double yolker and I could see movement in it - but hard to see much else because it's a green egg and very dark other than the air cell. Just watching and waiting

The eggs were set late Saturday and mid-day on Sunday - no pips here yet
that is not normal. My niece (5 years old) used to do that . (40 years ago) Even worse yet he liked the animals after after they were dead. she drowned the guina pig I buried it. She dug it up, not once but 5 times. I spanked her little a-- good She left it buried. She killed the gold fish. Fed them milk. That one I let her get by with. Well one day I caught her holding the ducks under the water. Told her not to do that very sternly... When you turned your back she'd do it again.... Well I lost it decide to show her what it felt like. (I held her her under water till she blew bubbles) She never did it again.... Child have to learn there is a consequence to their actions.
And the girl loves me to death to this day. She would rather been with me than her mother when small. Spanking and all....Yes I believe in spanking in children and choke chain on dogs. Most of the dogs I groom are spoil rotten dogs and need to go to boot camp..... Done

Was scanning the 100+ posts, trying to absorb it all when I had to backpedal a page for this little phrase

. There is always a favorite sister-wife and it's terrible to break up those relationships, so I generally don't.

I haz a 9th grade reading level. Maturity level that is.
So ... hmmm. I made a couple Multi-Quotes, then went off to move our arks around and clean them, plant flowers, etc. So I come back, get all caught up, and hit Multi-Quote just once again, and I lost all (about three) Multi-Quotes. They must time-out or something according to what the script or whatever is set to.

All I can remember at this point is that I'm glad that PappaBrooder (or similar name) got a few chicks to hatch (SFH and CL) and that I've got TroutFarm's (I forget his handle here) Hatch Cam bookmarked. Surely someone else is going to be watching his Hatch Cam on and off, right?

I'm excited to see all the early hatchers. But I hope mine don't hatch early because I've got too much to do between now and then to be panicking about this hatch, which is my way of dealing with the whole thing.


I'm ON it!

Quote: Got you covered!

I will be available all weekend and into the first of next week to provide assistance to anyone in need of a slap to temporarily calm down impending hysteria....

Mahonri --

Karimw --

Anyone else?

This is very amusing, but I don't want a slap! It works for me to panic and to be paranoid about anything being wrong with a hatch. Granted I'm not panicking yet, but when something is obviously going wrong, like maybe my temps are too low or my humidity is not high enough, then panicking really works to my advantage and helps me to solve problems. I need that burst of adrenaline to jolt me out of my rut. If mine hatch early, it is a real cause for concern because mine are stacked, and I will not be available to help them out if they are on a bottom layer. I knew this was going to be a busy weekend and I tried to time them to hatch at the best time. But I am starting to panic that they will hatch early because of that chart that WolfTracks (the lady with the broken wrist) posted that shows that really we are supposed to count the day we put them in the incubator as Day 1 instead of starting to count Day 1 after 24 hours in the incubator. If so, I am doomed (hysteria is obviously beginning to rear its ugly head), and I need to figure out what to do. Like maybe I will take the rails out of my Brinsea so that I can fit more in there and not have them stacked. (Yay! A possible solution just figured out while typing in an incipient panic.) But please no slapping of me for my panic ... it will leave a mark.
I think I would rather try some other method of providing myself with peace and calm ... like maybe a fifth of a 6-pack of yoga or something or chamomile tea.
But only after my panic has run its course.

Plus ... what if they really do hatch early because of a waxing moon that's nearly full (as someone mentioned)?! Frankly I love panicking and running around with my head cut off looking for problems to solve and sometimes creating new problems in the process. But I am trying to panic on the down low, though, because of possibly getting slapped. Maybe all of my boxing experience will help me to be able to bob and weave and evade slaps.

Okay. So I guess I'd better kick it into gear and rearrange the eggs and take out the rails in the Brinsea later to try to fit all of them upright so that none are stacked. I have 35 in there. That may head off any problems at the pass. But I have to do it later because that is almost last on my list of things I must do today. And now my work break is over and I promise not to mention panicking anymore so as to not incite other hatchers into mass hysteria which would require slaps.
I will sit back and just watch the hatching and slapping going on
and will report in with my numbers and a photo sometime before the deadline.
If anyone is dying to slap me, please don't let it be for panicking. Figure out some other excuse ... okay?
Regarding naughty three year old....

My niece came to visit last summer, and she attempted to drown a kitten in the dog waterer (five gallon bucket)...! I caught her and she ran away from me, knowing it was a bad thing she was doing. Her mother wasn't watching her, and didn't see the implications in what her daughter was doing! I put her in time out and for the rest of her visit she was not allowed to hold the poor kitten that I did manage to resuscitate. The mother was angry at me for the rest of the visit, saying that her daughter was just being normal...?!?!

Children showing a lack of empathy and care for small animals should be cause for concern... just saying...

Yes, I agree. I would be very concerned about a child who harmed animals without remorse at the age of three. I hope his family can see to talk to their doctor about their child's behavior. As a person who works professionally with children, I can say that this is not normal.

On a cherrier note, when I left for work this morning I had eight chicks and two more pips, one in the cracked egg that I waxed. I can hardly wait to get home and see if it's out. And they weren't supposed to come until tomorrow (Friday).

He is ignored a lot by his dad and he is treated like a baby by his grandma... literally. A grunt and a point will get him sat up on the counter so he can pick out whatever candy he wants. "MINE!!!" and stomping, screaming, throwing fits gets whatever toy my son is playing with taken away because it is "his toy". I rarely go see them when I have my son and dread seeing them pull in the driveway, and 90% of it is because of how this kid acts.

I understand that kids will be kids. My husband put a kitten in a coffee can because his mom said he couln't have it and he didn't want it to run away. He killed the kitten, but wasn't trying to. When a kid looks to see who is watching before he stomps on a sleeping dogs face is not in any shape or form attemping to be nice, then laughs and tries to do it again. I watch him like a hawk when I am around because I know no one else is, but his dad wanted custody of him so bad, he should man up and actually watch his kid and teach him something worth teaching.
Really my son was coloring and he kicked him right in the nose, for no reason. Nephew got a wimpy no no and my son was told not to color in the floor.. we immediately left.

On another note:
I have no pips out of my 4 eggs :(
Quote: Spring still hasn't sprung! I have some breeds that are at full swing and others that swing with the weather!!! Sorry, I don't remember, did you set Buckeyes??


Was scanning the 100+ posts, trying to absorb it all when I had to backpedal a page for this little phrase

Glad you're back . . . and in full form!

Ok I've held out for an hours-- gotta go look!
Dang... I walk away to seat a crown and there is already a ton of posts to catch up on.

Maybe the internet at work is not such a good thing.

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