
I've got a jersey giant who has been hunkered down above the nest boxes for the past two days. Even at night she's not roosting. This is very unusual behavior for her, obviously. Her eyes and nose are clear, tail is up, she is laying eggs and her poops are normal. Breathing doesn't sound raspy or abnormal. I separated her the night before last, but she acts totally normal when she's in the separation cage, so I put her back in with the flock. I just separated her out again, though, because I'm getting nervous that she isn't eating or drinking. I gave her some eggs, peas, bread and grapes, which she gobbled down. Has anyone had a chicken do this before and had it be nothing? Should I deworm her? Would you keep her separated? Thanks for any ideas...
I've got a jersey giant who has been hunkered down above the nest boxes for the past two days. Even at night she's not roosting. This is very unusual behavior for her, obviously. Her eyes and nose are clear, tail is up, she is laying eggs and her poops are normal. Breathing doesn't sound raspy or abnormal. I separated her the night before last, but she acts totally normal when she's in the separation cage, so I put her back in with the flock. I just separated her out again, though, because I'm getting nervous that she isn't eating or drinking. I gave her some eggs, peas, bread and grapes, which she gobbled down. Has anyone had a chicken do this before and had it be nothing? Should I deworm her? Would you keep her separated? Thanks for any ideas...

It sounds like she's broody. Broodies only get up once a day or so to eat and drink, and they don't go to roost. I know it is an unusual time of year, but it is not unheard of.
I have a couple birds that get the broody hormone thing going on this time of year. It's odd that she'd be above the nesting boxes and not in them, but as long as she's not weak or getting picked on or visibly sick, I'd leave her with the flock.
Thanks for the responses. Broody is an interesting idea I had disregarded because of the weather. She is only 7 months. Have you had ones go broody that young? I'll put her back with the flock in the AM. Thanks again!
Yeah, as long as she's old enough to lay, she's old enough to be broody.

You could let her hatch chicks out. I hatch this time of year - on purpose - because I have POL pullets in the spring (when most others have babies to sell), and this time of year besides shoveling snow, I'm really not doing anything and can give the babies lots of attention. The later I hatch in the year the more it interferes with seed starting, planting, beekeeping etc. I've had them hatch in the coop and raise their babies in there (in a cage) this time of year, too, so you don't need to worry about that. The babies were nice and hardy and the only real issue was getting them water that didn't keep freezing. Momma also knocked the waterer over constantly, so that the cage was basically ice-glued to the floor of the coop for months after they were done using it.
Thanks, SCG. She's back out with the flock. That's a good idea about hatching out a clutch and having POL in the spring. My neighbor has two roosters, so her eggs should be fertile... maybe I'll do a swap with her!
I've got a girl in the sick bay. She's molting & very skinny. She was wormed about a month ago. I noticed her walking/stumbling around on Wednesday. I thought she might be egg bound but She doesn't look as if she's trying to lay an egg. She's been eating & drinking. I brought her into the garage last night. Did a quick check for mites. Didn't want to handle her too much as she has lots of pin feathers coming in. Her bum is pretty bare so easy to see vent. Didn't see any bugs. She escaped twice while I was trying to get her into dog carrier. Made me chase her around the garage & under cars! I fed her a scrambled egg with a crushed up Tums & coconut oil. She has not drank any water that I can see. She had 2 big firm poops this morning. Any thoughts?
I've got a girl in the sick bay. She's molting & very skinny. She was wormed about a month ago. I noticed her walking/stumbling around on Wednesday. I thought she might be egg bound but She doesn't look as if she's trying to lay an egg. She's been eating & drinking. I brought her into the garage last night. Did a quick check for mites. Didn't want to handle her too much as she has lots of pin feathers coming in. Her bum is pretty bare so easy to see vent. Didn't see any bugs. She escaped twice while I was trying to get her into dog carrier. Made me chase her around the garage & under cars! I fed her a scrambled egg with a crushed up Tums & coconut oil. She has not drank any water that I can see. She had 2 big firm poops this morning. Any thoughts?

This all sounds very similar to what I just went through with one of mine, who is on the tail end of a really hard molt. For about a week she was stumbling and walking around as if she was drunk or had broken legs - it was truly horrible to witness. She was also very skinny. I contemplated bringing her in, but she balked so much at being handled that I left her alone. Then, of course, when the pin feathers started coming in others started pecking at her so she basically hid for another week. A couple times a day I would lock the other girls out of the coop to make sure she had time to eat and drink. I also gave her sunflower seeds and eggs. She is back to normal now, so my guess is that what you are seeing is all related to the molt, too. Is your girl being picked on?
This all sounds very similar to what I just went through with one of mine, who is on the tail end of a really hard molt. For about a week she was stumbling and walking around as if she was drunk or had broken legs - it was truly horrible to witness. She was also very skinny. I contemplated bringing her in, but she balked so much at being handled that I left her alone. Then, of course, when the pin feathers started coming in others started pecking at her so she basically hid for another week. A couple times a day I would lock the other girls out of the coop to make sure she had time to eat and drink. I also gave her sunflower seeds and eggs. She is back to normal now, so my guess is that what you are seeing is all related to the molt, too. Is your girl being picked on?
She's pretty high on the pecking order so she hasn't been picked on too much. She balked too on being picked up. I wrapped her in a towel to get her in. she's eaten another scrambled egg for dinner. I added a few drops of NutriDrench to the egg. She still hasn't drank any water but i'll move her to a bigger crate tomorrow with a chick watered. Maybe that will help.

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