
Re: gender and division of labor: I'm not lamenting... As a PP said, some husbands work long hours away from home, others are not "inclined to be farmers" or handy with tools. And, some are dealing with physical limitations. I'm blessed with a very supportive husband, who is a city boy with country benefits, and he is either blessed or cursed with a wife who enjoys getting down and dirty, and playing with the big boy toys (shop tools) He's the brains of the operation when it comes to the how to, and I often end up doing, because i have more time. We'll be building a new coop before snow flies, and I'll likely be doing the lion's share if not all of it b/c he just had a second back surgery. There's a certain amount of pride in being able to plan a project and make it happen. I'd like one of those resorts that you mention, Jazor... or perhaps a full time gardener, farm hand, pool boy (with a pool to go with it) and a nanny!!! There just aren't enough hours in the day, and even if there were, not enough energy to use all of those hours efficiently!
LOL to you Bucka, and good luck with Uncle's. Had a list a mile long from responses, hopefully people are still looking. If you are willing to sell them as meat birds, you would have a lot more luck.

Just discovered one of my chicks is not a chick but a cockerel, he was disguising himself big time, but today his tail is up and sparring with the cockerel I intend to keep. Know someone who will take him for meat. Tough to get rid of those boys, wonder why ;-]. All they do is eat and you know what, but they are good protectors and nice to have ONE around.

Ash, so glad you are having success with your goslings. Wish I had the space for them, but we are full up right now. Maybe next year...

There was someone on here looking for Pekins. I have a few in the 'bator now and will set more for you if still interested. So far, almost 100% success, but wouldn't push it much longer. So if you want, let me know. Everyone has been thrilled with them, and was lucky enough to sell to all families with young children, as pets.

Do have a lame duck, sure she was injured by the puppy we had to return to the breeder, she attacked the birds. We already had to put one down, and she will be going the same way, just getting worse although she tries so very hard to keep up with the rest. Feel bad for her, she has a super strong will, but must do what is best for her. **** puppy, so glad she is gone, yeah so friggin' cute, but I can't have my birds being mauled. The other dog watches over them and they lie right next to her. Still so po'ed, going to try to get my money back from the breeder as she took her back, and is keeping her, so she will be bred for tons of $$$. Anyone have this experience, and how did you make out? Contract says nothing about returning a dog due to temperament, only illness, so think I stand a chance at least getting half back. I mean, suppose this dog attacked a child, would the breeder not give money back?

Anyway, if the person on here wants pekins, let me know, will have some hatching in a couple of weeks, or will set some for you.

Sorry for those who have lost to predators, it's that time of the year, the wild things bred late due to our horrible winter and spring, so they still have babies to feed. Should ease up soon. And yeah, the good hardy 1" wire under and two feet out or so under the pen/coop will keep everything out for a few years, but it does eventually get sucked into the earth after a few years and things can start digging in that gap. We have a rat issue, but are using those blinking solar powered lights and they actually seem to help. You do have to move them around every few days tho, so don't install them permanently, twist ties work fine. Chicken wire won't keep anything out if they want in bad enough. And let's face it, our birds are not the brightest stars in the sky, they will walk right up to the bad guys on the other side and be ripped to shreds.

If you want to be super reinforced with your pen, use the 1", more $$$ but worth the peace of mind. We did insulate our coop and covered with plywood, but it's really not necessary. You can always hang a bulb if it gets super cold for more than 3 days or longer. Ventilation you must have, best under an eave so the wind and snow does not blow in, and if it gets to where the internal coop temp is way below freezing, you can plug them up with old towels or rags for a bit. But you must have ventilation or you will be very sorry you don't!! Don't leave that insulation exposed to where they can pick at it, we used solid styrofoam insulation and they even picked at that, so you want to cover it with cheap plywood. Easy peasy, don't get fancy.
So, I bought eight pullets at the TSC in Presque Isle Easter weekend. Five are looking suspiciously rooish. So frustrated. I thought we might get one or so, but not 60% of my little flock. Question is this-is it too late to order more pullets from a hatchery before winter? If I only have three hens, then I am not going to get the number of eggs I had hoped for and I'll still be buying from the store! (have seven kids!) Frankly, I just want to cry and give them all away. So discouraged with the whole process....If anyone knows anything about austrolorps, I have pics, but they're 11 wksish and have huge combs and wattles......:(

Bangor TSC is having it's first swap of the summer on July 5th, if you wanted to travel down this way or are going to be in the area. I have a Black Australorp hen and she does have a pretty good sized comb, now but I wasn't suspicious of her not being a pullet, when she was growing up. However, this year I selected another Blue Australorp and of course, that one was a roo.
So bummed! He developed a significant sized comb very young and quite pink. He went to a new home, yesterday.
In this picture he was about 7 wks. I hope this helps!
We're up in the County.....I know they have a swap at the tsc in Presque Isle twice a month. I haven't seen anything posted on the FB swap page or Uncle Henry's that fits what I'm looking for.

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