
Something has been spooking my flock off and on all day. I go running out with the SG, and can see nothing to cause alarm. However, around supper time, I heard what might possibly have been a fox yipping. Gonna be a long night.
Sorry for the delayed response. Our flock and coop was destroyed by a fisher so i will have to hold off on a guinea until the coop is rebuilt and fortified. :(
Aw That's tough. Sorry to hear that. IF it was earlier in the year I'd offer to try and hatch a set of Easter egger/ black Australorps to help you get back on your feet. :(
For the first time I actually got 6 eggs out of my coop today. That means finally all my chickens are laying. Only one that didn't deliver is my double shot queen who lays a double yolker every 3 or 4 days. Keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't blow her butt out. Hoping she starts laying single yolks so I can possibly hatch some next spring but we'll just have to wait and see.
I did get my NPIP certification as well as my membership in Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors started so I can start showing and selling my eggs and any chicks.
For the first time I actually got 6 eggs out of my coop today. That means finally all my chickens are laying. Only one that didn't deliver is my double shot queen who lays a double yolker every 3 or 4 days. Keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't blow her butt out. Hoping she starts laying single yolks so I can possibly hatch some next spring but we'll just have to wait and see.
I did get my NPIP certification as well as my membership in Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors started so I can start showing and selling my eggs and any chicks.
Hey all you mainers I'm from windham maine, I just wanted to know if next winter I should insulate my coop

We are wondering the same thing. We just got a whole lot of plywood to do the interior walls of our 2 large coops. Getting,R21 insulation soon for the walls not super concerned with the floors as they have a good deep layer of shavings and 3/4 inch ply for floor. May do an,insulated ceiling as well but not sure on that yet. From what I understand its best not to button it up too tight.
Any one have success busting broodies with this method?
Thanks for the WB info!! I've pruned it out along with some other rusty looking shoots. Will just have to monitor. Dang, they were really starting to produce this year!!

On broodies, I just kept stealing her eggs & taking her out of the box. What finally did it was to spend $100 on a small coop to put her in. She was roosting w/the rest of the girls that night...the little brat!

Sorry for the delayed response. Our flock and coop was destroyed by a fisher so i will have to hold off on a guinea until the coop is rebuilt and fortified. :(
I am so very sorry for your losses ☹️☹️☹️

We are wondering the same thing. We just got a whole lot of plywood to do the interior walls of our 2 large coops. Getting,R21 insulation soon for the walls not super concerned with the floors as they have a good deep layer of shavings and 3/4 inch ply for floor. May do an,insulated ceiling as well but not sure on that yet. From what I understand its best not to button it up too tight.
My coop is insulated but I have vents in the gable roof ends for ventilation. I also keep the big window above the pop door open most of the winter to cut back on any frostbite to combs, waddles & toes.

Chick Update
On Sunday, The last egg finally hatched from my July/August hatching fiasco. Of course we had been at camp & were on our way home when my DD called. She said the chick was cold & Mama Blue wasn't paying attention to it so she brought it in the house. When we got home, it was wrapped in a small flannel blanket nuzzled under DD's chin. I took over babysitting duties while catching up on some paperwork. I tucked the chick back under Blue at bedtime. Everyone is doing well. She has 2 chicks now. Matilda's 6 three week olds are growing like weeds. I've seen some chest bumping going on. With my luck, they'll all be Roos. They are cute though. They come running when I shake the treat can.
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Well the Silver Ameraucana's I got are going to be a bust. ARRGH! They have red bleeding into their feathering on at least one and the rest are way too black. Lady I bought them from added Black to her Silvers to try and correct the bleeding and cause they were getting too white.....Long story short. Because of the stringent guidelines these guys and girls are going to be just about useless as Ameraucana breeding stock.
I will be getting Silver Ameraucana's come heck or high water. I can probably use two of the 4 I have to try and improve egg color if any I buy don't have good color in their eggs.
Looking like I have 2 pullets and two cockerels though. Wanted 3 hens but with two being a total wash out maybe I can at least have two show quality birds even if they are black instead of silver.
Looks like i'm in the market for a hunting blind... 4th bird in as many weeks ripped from a tractor in the field at night ... and I have meaties that need to go out SOON.


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