Mainers to decide on 1st ‘right to food’ amendment in US


Chick hatching addict.
8 Years
Mar 21, 2016
Someplace near Phoenix, Arizona
Interesting! My first thought was that the right to life is in the Declaration of Independence, but maybe if it's in the states' constitutions (Maine at first), and if they carefully draft it as recognizing the right (NOT granting the right, because the gov can take away what they grant), it just might work! It'll also be enlightening, if we see the big food corps piling on the raw milk producers, etc, vs. just ignoring the amendment.

The right to food would really help in these times of pending food insecurity, and big industrial farms vs the little guy who just wants to provide good safe food. I'll be eager to see how this turns out-- at the same time, it might not be wise to wait too long before starting something like this in our respective states.
Interesting! My first thought was that the right to life is in the Declaration of Independence, but maybe if it's in the states' constitutions (Maine at first), and if they carefully draft it as recognizing the right (NOT granting the right, because the gov can take away what they grant), it just might work! It'll also be enlightening, if we see the big food corps piling on the raw milk producers, etc, vs. just ignoring the amendment.

The right to food would really help in these times of pending food insecurity, and big industrial farms vs the little guy who just wants to provide good safe food. I'll be eager to see how this turns out-- at the same time, it might not be wise to wait too long before starting something like this in our respective states.
My thought's, exactly! Especially with the rising's cost's of food and the deliveries being messed up. People need food to eat to live!
I just learned about something that is happening up there in Maine. The voter's there will be deciding on the "right to food" constitutional amendment. I hope that they get it passed, and that other states will do the same thing.
Ohhhh... this is very interesting. A "food sovereignty movement." I like this immensely. We need to see more of this. Seems like it would be easy to get the ball rolling in states where family farms and ranches are still popular, e.g. Texas, Wyoming, etc.
At face value it seems this is a good thing - It should stave off any pressure to outlaw traditional animal husbandry practices and ability to grow your garden, (maybe even to forage or hunt?). Maine is a rather rugged rural state with a strong streak of libertarianism and self-sufficiency from what I know of my relatives in that area -- unlike the groupthink of Oregon that wants to outlaw most forms of traditional animal husbandry & hunting - hopefully Oregon Prop 13 will not pass there in '22.

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