Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

How's stuff going?
Just had what should be our last frost for the season, the seeds are going in ahead of Thursday's rains. There have been no hatchings (flock is still larger than I want right now), not enough cullings (more tommorow - I have delayed house projects to finish today), the build for the meat rabbvits is near done (one of the delayed house projects is currently using the wood to finish the roof for the rabbits), and I'm busy moving composted deep litter from under the raised coop into my new garden bed (today), and refilling the top with leaf litter.

Climbing roses at the corners for my wife, we'll plant green beans along the middle, and I'm going to try to innoculate the soil on the shaded side with a mushroom - see what happens.

and no, none of these birds should be outside the electric fenced run - but currently the best forage is on this side...

(Raised bed is 10' x4' x10" - not enough to keep weeds out, but enough to help. The panels are almost 8' in total length, I overlapped one 6" section, and the bed begins 8' from the shed, - the arch is about 9.5' from the shed at the bottom, which is why its so close to flat at the top. Still thinking on how to fix that - or if I need to yet).

What's your flock count at?
Its in my Sig, I update with cullings and hatchings. 5 goats, 10 ducks, 17 "breed" chickens from my original purchases (being culled this year, they are getting on in age - except the DB, they have a facebook following, and a friend who wants to rehome them), and 41 mutts on their way to becoming clay rangers - most of whom took a wrong turn... will add two does and a buck (meat rabbits) in April - they are already purchased, just waiting for them to age up so I can take them from the breeder (different blood lines).
Its in my Sig, I update with cullings and hatchings. 5 goats, 10 ducks, 17 "breed" chickens from my original purchases (being culled this year, they are getting on in age - except the DB, they have a facebook following, and a friend who wants to rehome them), and 41 mutts on their way to becoming clay rangers - most of whom took a wrong turn....
Apologies, thanks for the info! I'm on mobile so I can't see your Sig it would seem.
Thanks from me too! I never would have thought of that!

Also interesting following the thread. I have a mix of things I'm going to broadcasting for the sheep but the chickens will follow in the rotation. I'm curious how they do with grazed cover crop residue versus just mixed grass pasture.

We've had actual winter this year and I'm trying to find stuff to throw out for the chickens to keep them occupied. Frozen round bale outer layer was a big hit. I'm going to sled over bedding from the sheep into the chickens. If you have other bedding etc you might be able to do something similar to try keeping them busy.

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