Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Another of the black and... Lightest of the male birds I took today, 6.06#
View attachment 2998038

Phoenix Blue - weighted in at 6.5#
View attachment 2998045

Big Barred - hefty. 7.81#
View attachment 2998048

Unnamed smutty white hen, 2.75#, from the November hatch, so 13 wks. Smallest bird on the property - happy to remove her from the breeding pool.
View attachment 2998052
Awe, I'll be sad to see no more of Pheonix Blue. But I do understand why he was going too.
I **think** i successfully photographed all the remaining male birds this AM. Most wouldn't hold still, so lighting and framing may be poor. Apologies.

Ugly White.

One of the Reds

Another Red

On the cull list, UW off on right side.

Another of the Reds

Another of the Culls

Another Red - more black on the bottom

This is Mahogany

and this is Crimson
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I **think** i successfully photographed all the remaining male birds this AM. Most wouldn't hold still, so lighting and framing may be poor. Apologies.

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I really like the colour on your reds, the mahogany is starting to come through really nicely. What is the weight range on your keeper boys?
I really like the colour on your reds, the mahogany is starting to come through really nicely. What is the weight range on your keeper boys?

I've not weighed them - I handle my birds very little - but based on body structure, overall size, and the birds I just culled, I'd place them between 5.5# and 7# (mostly favoring the low end), except Ugly White, who is clearly in excess of 7#, but probably not 8#.

and yes, I know how deceptive a visual weight can be.
A nice brown and red… what weights?
[guessing] Top bird, with the darker, more prominent markings? 3# +/- She's sized like a 5 month old Comet.

Bottom bird [guessing] 4.5# - though the Brahma genetics tends to make a "fluffy", more bulky appearance bird. I might be high here.

The non-Brahma mama bird similar to #2? [again guessing] likely 1/2# lighter. There's a fourth bird that looks like 3, that's probably 3/4# lighter.

I really need to get some weights. My record keeping got pushed to the side.
Ugly White weighs 6.06# - the Brahma Genetics fooled me again.
Four of the reds? 5.4, 5.3, 5.4, 5.2 - including one of the black (and red) bottom reds (5.4), not the all black bottom red.

Couldn't get ahold of best hen pattern #1 - flighty bird, that's a good thing.

Bottom hen (w/ Brahma) and bottom hen (w/o Brahma) both weigh 4# and an ounce or two.

None of the males I weighed have more than rounded nubs for spurs, so they aren't into their full growth yet, though many are at 6 mo age, plus. That's going to take longer to fix in my culling project than some of the more visible signs of color, comb, and pattern.
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