Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Duck number Three (of 12 set). I have such terrible luck with incubating these. 1/3 were infertile roughly, and almost half were early quits - goign to crack open the last three, see if I can guess around what day things failed.

Then clean the incubator, set 12 chicken eggs.

Then process some birds. I have a male duck with a knee injury I can't fix. Quality of life is "poor", so we are ending his pain today. Taking two white hens (I hate the white!) and a Roo, possibly two. Plenty of evidence of overmating, not worried about a loss in fertility.

Twelve new (chicken) eggs set in the Incubator, let the three week countdown begin! I selected for egg size primarily, color second. Do **NOT** know the mammas - but did take a picture of "butts in seats", and took eggs from boxes occupied by primarily black or red hens. A few of the boxes had more than one egg, so... We've adjusted odds some, but no guarantees.


"Butts in Seats"
Trying to get the pictures off the other cell phone.

Culled a duck (Pekin) with a knee problem I couldn't fix. Male. Approx 1 yr in age. A mere 5.29 pounds. Grind for burgers (not tonight).

One male Rooster, roughly 8 months in age. One of two I meant to cull (and the one I meant to cull last). He had pattern, no discernable reds, but all greyed out. Picture forthcoming. 5.07#

Hens - each was primarily white, each approx 8 months age +/-

3.74#, good fat color, but a little too much of it. Showed in the liver, too. Pictures incoming. Chicken body condition score "3+".

4.09# hen, paler fat, a little less of it. Body Condition score "3". No picture.

4.34# hen, good color, desired fat levels. Body condition score "3". No Picture.

All will likely be ground/processed and used to make "chicken cordon blue - like" toaster oven meals for when we don't feel like cooking.

Sig updated with new flock count.
I must have missed your scoring system. The higher the number the better (like a grade point average)?
The usual poultry condition scoring system. 3 is desired. 1 2 are underweight, 4 5 are increasingly overweight . I'll try to add a diagram later. Need a shower, badly.


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