Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Sorry for the lack of updates - started a new job, been very busy.

Egg production has dropped significantly in recent week or two, no obvious causes. We don' t have the really short days of the New England states or Canada...

Culling this weekend, removing some old birds. Expect pictures and weights. I should be hatching for spring, but have averaged just 9 eggs per day for the last week+. Between myself and several neighbors, they are selling faster than the hens are making them!

But the culling needs to happen... Also, grocery trip. If the local TSC has chicks, I may be forced to... NOT pleased.
Sorry for the lack of updates - started a new job, been very busy.

Egg production has dropped significantly in recent week or two, no obvious causes. We don' t have the really short days of the New England states or Canada...

Culling this weekend, removing some old birds. Expect pictures and weights. I should be hatching for spring, but have averaged just 9 eggs per day for the last week+. Between myself and several neighbors, they are selling faster than the hens are making them!

But the culling needs to happen... Also, grocery trip. If the local TSC has chicks, I may be forced to... NOT pleased.
Has it been really warm there? Mine usually stop when they get heat flashes
Its actually cooler, highs of 87-88, overnights mid 60s. Compared to this summer, its downright cold!

Same temps for us. Here we are agri zone 8a. Went out early am and was a bit chilly but that didn''t last long. Got down to the garden and it was hot in the sun. It has been nice not to have the muggy air first thing.
Several of my birds are molting now. So not so many eggs here either but plenty for us.

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