Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Finally got around to taking a picture of my gal. I do think that the partridge rocks are almost exactly what you're wanting, new bloodline wise.
If I were to order from Ideal, Partridge Rocks and maybe some Welsummers.
Granted, my gal from a different hatchery, but the color pattern should at least be the same
Yes, then run them thru the photocopier with my existing orange/gold/pale reds until they look "faded" and I'll be pleased. TY all, I think you've sold me on it. Next question is how many to order? Aaaargh, chicken math!!!!
Twice as many as you want. If some die, it won’t set you back. If they don’t, you can eat them!
Twice as many as you want. If some die, it won’t set you back. If they don’t, you can eat them!

Yes, I have too many to eat already - a couple extra Roos, some old Comets, the inferior (and two year old) SLWs, and all the black mutts. I need to pack the freezer, but I need a weekend to build some shelving to relocate the things sitting ON the freezer first. Oh yes, and I need to cull ducks. The Pekin Ducks have NOT been a good investment.
I'm looking at my Sig and thinking I should take 5 of the ducks, one of the Rainbows, all 3 Comets, 4 of the SLW. The Internet won't let me take the D Brahma (long story). and I'd guess between 8 and 11 of the mutts.

Oh, and the 7 rabbit kits go to freezer camp soon, and with the birth of the twins, I can take the two wethered goats....
I'm looking at my Sig and thinking I should take 5 of the ducks, one of the Rainbows, all 3 Comets, 4 of the SLW. The Internet won't let me take the D Brahma (long story). and I'd guess between 8 and 11 of the mutts.

Oh, and the 7 rabbit kits go to freezer camp soon, and with the birth of the twins, I can take the two wethered goats....
Laughing because of the internet part.

So you're no longer doing ducks?
Yes, then run them thru the photocopier with my existing orange/gold/pale reds until they look "faded" and I'll be pleased. TY all, I think you've sold me on it. Next question is how many to order? Aaaargh, chicken math!!!!
I would do 15 (3 males, 12 females). That way, theoretically based on my experience, you'll lose one male and 2-3 females to shipping or FTT, and have 2 males and 10-9 females to take the best however many from.
Next question is how many to order? Aaaargh, chicken math!!!!
If you're ordering from Ideal, and you just want a few to provide some eggs and work into your breeding program, you could order the right number to meet the minimum order (currently $30.) At the current price of Partridge Rocks, that would be 8 females, or 10 straight run, or 12 males. Or 6 females and 3 males. Or various other combinations.

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