Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Look at the top bird. More of this please!!!! Best of the three survivors of the most recent hatch. Hoping its a boy, turned just as I was snapping the photo.

Bird three, not appearing here, is somewhere vaguely between these two in color and pattern.

View attachment 3473807
Looking good.

I got a bird of the rich mahogany, partridge you're after. Came from a breeding from my one of my Chameleon hens.
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He (or she) is already serving as fertilizer, depth between 26 and 32".

Waste not, want not.
Good place for him/her.

I bury anything I trap in a place where it will feed the soil I'm using to grow something. I'd really like to plant them near my fruit trees, but that soil is HEAVY. Digging 24"+ down is difficult. Especially for a large raccoon.

So they end up in the garden when I have sand.
Good place for him/her.

I bury anything I trap in a place where it will feed the soil I'm using to grow something. I'd really like to plant them near my fruit trees, but that soil is HEAVY. Digging 24"+ down is difficult. Especially for a large raccoon.

So they end up in the garden when I have sand.
I have a pickaxe/mattock and was significantly motivated.

Heavy soils I understand.
Rabbit kits born yesterday - they are all packed away in straw and hay and mama's tufts of fur and even some cardboard - unsure how many were added to the count. Another batch of chicks due from the incubator in eight days (so I expect next weekend, mine usually come a day or two early), and STILL need to do a big cull.
Rabbit kits born yesterday - they are all packed away in straw and hay and mama's tufts of fur and even some cardboard - unsure how many were added to the count. Another batch of chicks due from the incubator in eight days (so I expect next weekend, mine usually come a day or two early), and STILL need to do a big cull.
We might need kit pics in a few days once they're more stable with mama
I'm seriously thinking of splitting off a "Hobby Farm" thread, and refocusing on the breed efforts here.

No one told me chicken math would somehow include other critters. I started with one variable, "C" to add and subtract. Now I also have B, D, and G... If I could stabilize the pond, I'd add F....
No one told me chicken math would somehow include other critters. I started with one variable, "C" to add and subtract. Now I also have B, D, and G... If I could stabilize the pond, I'd add F....

So C is chickens, D would be ducks, G would be goats, I assume F in a pond is fish.
But B would have to be... (looks at signature).... oh, "Bunnies." I was thinking of them as "Rabbits." :lau

I'm seriously thinking of splitting off a "Hobby Farm" thread, and refocusing on the breed efforts here.

That would make sense. But if you do, please post a link here when you make the new thread, so it's easy for all of us to find :)

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