Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Live and learn. Just wish it wasn't so fatal to my hatchlings. Has to be a rat/rats. Nothing else is small enough to potentially get in, the few gaps are quite small. I've alrready filled in with concrete were one dug underneath the wall.
Maybe hardware cloth apron on that side? 2-3 ft tall hw cloth is way cheaper than the tall stuff.
12 in the RV. The birds I took to the neighbor, as expected, were chased by the neighbors beautiful dog. Dog did not get them, but they didn't come back. If this area can support a feral flock (I doubt it, but maybe...) now is the time for them to get started. Doesn't get any better than this.

and they tested clean just a week ago!
2 birds. No, a feral flock would not be a good thing.

Blackberries are just starting to go ripe. VERY good this year, not like the last two. Rain all week is expected, maybe the seeds I planted will do something useful.

Health scare with a parent. Things are better now.

A/C broke, fixed.

NPIP renewed.

Nothing much?

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