Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Pitched half the remaining eggs in the incubator today, leaving just two. Still can't candle worth a [something beavers make], but it appeared all had well formed eye spots (as when I last candled) but none developed substantially after that. The two remaining eggs can't be seen thru, except the clear air cell - so something developed in them, fingers crossed they hatch in the next few days.

Incubator needs a serious cleaning, disinfection, and temp check - though I suspect something else is at the root cause of my fertility issues.
Pitched half the remaining eggs in the incubator today, leaving just two. Still can't candle worth a [something beavers make], but it appeared all had well formed eye spots (as when I last candled) but none developed substantially after that. The two remaining eggs can't be seen thru, except the clear air cell - so something developed in them, fingers crossed they hatch in the next few days.

Incubator needs a serious cleaning, disinfection, and temp check - though I suspect something else is at the root cause of my fertility issues.
Took me wayyyy too long to come up with (what a beaver makes)....shoulda had some coffee first....

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