Making Money Selling Chicks

For breeding, it would be best to have a separate coop and run for each breed and each variety. AI is not very simple when it comes to chickens. And hens do have the ability to reject sperm, making it even harder. Natural breeding is much more effective.
Adult birds will molt in the fall, causing them to stop laying for several weeks. And even pullets can be affected by the shortening daylight of fall/winter. There is no such thing as a 100% efficient/productive flock. And roosters' fertility is also affected by the fall daylight change. A hen actually reaches full laying potential during her second summer, so usually about 18 months to 2 years of age. By her third summer, her production will begin to decline. I like to keep a few older birds to help keep the younger birds in line.
For brooding, it becomes exponentially more difficult, the more chicks you have. Chicks grow so quickly, that keeping up with their space needs can become quite challenging. The more chicks you have in a space, the faster they will outgrow it. Building something that will adequately house your expected chick volume till they are off heat will be better than moving them to a new space each week. If you expect to have 20 or more chicks at a time, that means some sort of building or room, rather than a small wooden box.
It is very difficult to turn any sort of profit by hatching and raising on a small scale. Hatcheries make a profit by incubating and hatching by the hundreds. They also have limited overhead by selling sexed pullets the day they are hatched, and disposing of cockerels. They don't keep what doesn't sell, as a general rule. It would be better for you to focus on breeding quality birds, rather than turning out as many poor quality, hatchery stock birds as possible. The hatcheries already mass produce poor quality birds. What is needed, especially for Marans and Legbars, are serious breeders that work on preserving the breed and working to better it.
Quality birds, that meet the breed standard are worth more than hatchery stock birds. Pick one breed to focus on, and learn it well. Build up a flock of good quality breeding stock. Start small, and gradually scale up. Be selective about the birds you keep for breeding. Do not expect to actually make much money, good breeders seldom do.
For brooders I use indoor rabbit cages which I would recommend for your set up- they are plastic (making them easy to disinfect between batches of chicks), stackable, and you can buy them online at reasonable prices.


Cream Legbars would be a good breed to start off with as they are auto-sexing and people are attracted to their blue egg laying abilities.

Good luck on your project!

I have some outside that I'm also planning on using. They are both pretty large. I just have to fix the side on one. And I may buy any cages I find any for cheap
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Try finding a cabinet Brinsea, which is second hand- they are a lot more reliable and consistent when compared to polystyrene incubators, and you can add a tray of eggs every week, which would give you a consistent supply of chicks throughout the spring.
Try finding a cabinet Brinsea, which is second hand- they are a lot more reliable and consistent when compared to polystyrene incubators, and you can add a tray of eggs every week, which would give you a consistent supply of chicks throughout the spring.

They're a bit out of my price range right now, I will continue to look around
Before I read your reply, I was thinking that parents are probably thankful for kids that want to raise animals instead of being out partying.

Sounds like you've done a good bit of research. I will say I don't even have a clue how you're gonna get sperm from rooster for the whole ai thing... And I think it's great that you are choosing different color egg layers.

That's awesome that your parents haven't had to pay for anything else, except probably electricity ($0.20 per 1000 watts). Good for you!

I to am the type of person who never leaves.... it only gets worse..... my 17 year old daughter won't get her drivers' license for fear I will NEVER go out...

I actually do love it at home to. And have worked hard to be here. Love being outside and with my animals. Beware, chicken math might lead to goat math.
I hear ducks are pretty bad... why I don't have any. I only have 1 acre. And with that many chickens their poo ain't gold to my garden. So I finally started sending it off in the trash can. Your grandparents sound awesome!

I agree with @junebuggena 100% !!! Quality stock is of the utmost importance and increases the value of the bird. I bought FBCM from a "breeder" in another state than CA, where I am because that was one of my chosen breeds. Supposed to be Wade Jean line.... Yep, both my boys got white in their tails!
That doesn't do me much good. And I've had to cull 2 other birds for sprigs on their combs and another for wrong colored shanks. No point in passing on bad genetics. Especially in the case of the CCL, what is the point in breeding them if you don't ONLY breed the ones you can identify gender at hatch? Too many people selling the basic bird that doesn't conform is unfortunate.
With Marans I want those dark eggs and how can I expect them if I see white feathers?

Why buy the best incubator and breed sub par birds? Just an example... Quality over Quantity! I will pay more for quality birds all day long... although I guess that is for breeding. Maybe people who are just wanting eggs don't care... blue, brown, it's all the same..
Everybody has different goals....

Your neighbor buying for $5 is only a good price if he takes them young. After a while you've got more than that into 'em. Mine don't make it the freezer stage of their development until 16 weeks or later. Which I think cost me $10. These aren't cornish cross that get butchered at 8 weeks, keeping their price down. My Marans boys do have a nice size on them! Now I have to decide to hatch a bunch and pick the best of the best or try ordering from GFF who says their FBCM flock is APA certified....

Best wishes either way!
Before I read your reply, I was thinking that parents are probably thankful for kids that want to raise animals instead of being out partying. :thumbsup

Sounds like you've done a good bit of research. I will say I don't even have a clue how you're gonna get sperm from rooster for the whole ai thing... And I think it's great that you are choosing different color egg layers.

That's awesome that your parents haven't had to pay for anything else, except probably electricity ($0.20 per 1000 watts). Good for you!

I to am the type of person who never leaves.... it only gets worse..... my 17 year old daughter won't get her drivers' license for fear I will NEVER go out... :/

I actually do love it at home to. And have worked hard to be here. Love being outside and with my animals. Beware, chicken math might lead to goat math. :oops:   I hear ducks are pretty bad... why I don't have any. I only have 1 acre. And with that many chickens their poo ain't gold to my garden. So I finally started sending it off in the trash can. Your grandparents sound awesome!

I agree with @junebuggena
 100% !!! Quality stock is of the utmost importance and increases the value of the bird. I bought FBCM from a "breeder" in another state than CA, where I am because that was one of my chosen breeds. Supposed to be Wade Jean line.... Yep, both my boys got white in their tails! :barnie  That doesn't do me much good. And I've had to cull 2 other birds for sprigs on their combs and another for wrong colored shanks. No point in passing on bad genetics. Especially in the case of the CCL, what is the point in breeding them if you don't ONLY breed the ones you can identify gender at hatch? Too many people selling the basic bird that doesn't conform is unfortunate. :(  With Marans I want those dark eggs and how can I expect them if I see white feathers?

Why buy the best incubator and breed sub par birds? Just an example... Quality over Quantity! I will pay more for quality birds all day long... although I guess that is for breeding. Maybe people who are just wanting eggs don't care... blue, brown, it's all the same.. :confused:   Everybody has different goals....

Your neighbor buying for $5 is only a good price if he takes them young. After a while you've got more than that into 'em. Mine don't make it the freezer stage of their development until 16 weeks or later. Which I think cost me $10. These aren't cornish cross that get butchered at 8 weeks, keeping their price down. My Marans boys do have a nice size on them! Now I have to decide to hatch a bunch and pick the best of the best or try ordering from GFF who says their FBCM flock is APA certified....

Best wishes either way!

The neighbor said $5 as chicks if I need them gone asap and he will raise them in his barn and butcher as he needs.
I'm getting the CL eggs from a breeder, along with the BCM the BCMs are coming from an APA certified flock.
I can't seem to find any NN breeders... I had one in mind but they never responded back. I think for Minorcas and NNs I will just cull anything that's got side sprigs white tails, wrong coloring etc just to make it a bit easier later.

I'm still torn over the incubator! Buy an expensive one or buy an old one and if it had electrical problems have our number who wants will butcher come over and take a look since he's a retired electrician... I do have a 1/20 chance of winning a 1502 sportsman though
The neighbor said $5 as chicks if I need them gone asap and he will raise them in his barn and butcher as he needs.
I'm getting the CL eggs from a breeder, along with the BCM the BCMs are coming from an APA certified flock.
I can't seem to find any NN breeders... I had one in mind but they never responded back. I think for Minorcas and NNs I will just cull anything that's got side sprigs white tails, wrong coloring etc just to make it a bit easier later.

I'm still torn over the incubator! Buy an expensive one or buy an old one and if it had electrical problems have our number who wants will butcher come over and take a look since he's a retired electrician... I do have a 1/20 chance of winning a 1502 sportsman though
Buy the old one.... things are not made to last these days it seems.

Though I will admit shiny and supposedly reliable would be nice. Technology has come a long way.....
I hate having to make decisions.
Or you can make your own cabinet incubator out of a cheap/free piece of furniture or cabinet and purchase a new tech thermostat, fan, and humidity control from Incubator Warehouse.
There are a bunch of threads about DIY incubators on this site.

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