Malay/Shamo question


designated lawn flamingo
9 Years
May 27, 2010
Reno, Nevada
Hey pals!

I am thinking of getting a Maylay or Shamo rooster to add to my flock for a brave protector. I have about 35 hens and one rooster already. I know I could handle adding any other rooster breed into the flock, but know nothing about these guys. If I got it as a chick, would it grow to respect the girls and other rooster like all my other Roos have? Or is it born to fight no matter what and even if raised together grow to attack my girls and resident roo?

Is there a place on here anymore where people ask / answer questions instead of having their posts get buried by 100 old massive threads? I've been on this site for ages and that past year everyone I've inquired about anything the post is gone instantly... Poop
Now like all other breeds of games the Shamo/Malay will fight another rooster. And if it doesn't back down well you'll most likely end up with only one rooster. But it shouldn't attack your hens.

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