male... female...?

No expert either, but have never seen female with any color like that. Think you might want to change name from May to Mayor! Good luck!
Oh, enjoy while he is young, males that get imprinted are super affectionate, but can get aggressive with you when they are sexually mature, wear shoes, they will bite your toes off. You have to show them who is boss and be a little bit nasty back at them, carry a stick. Just sayin' from experience, had a few males who imprinted and altho they are still super with me, they can be nasty at times, and can really put a hurting on you, almost stitches hurting. So just let them know who's boss, and reinforce it all the time. It's cute at first, but when they draw blood, not so cute. Good luck!

Haha, I've actually kept mayhem in mind. Oh no! He already kind of pecks at my toes, but only when I'm sleeping and feet are hanging off the bed, sometimes. I'll make sure to keep him in check!
I need to know if my 2 month old rouen is a male or female it quacks like a hen here are some pics of the wings and the duck
According to wings and Head turning green its a male and these are the main signs of male mallard duck .Yeah quack might be like chicken, Males quack like little bit chickens.females quack clearly in two months.

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