mallard ducklings


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 11, 2007
Northern Wisconsin
Can someone tell me what to expect when my ducks start feathering out? They are about 3 weeks old and have begun to get some feathers, but they all look the same- I thouhgt I would be able to tell them apart when they started. Someone told me that they all look the same for awhile then the males will get their "male feathers". Is this true? and how old will they be?
Drakes don't get the curly feather until they are much older i'm not sure of the exact age. A good way to tell is when they start quacking. The females have a very loud quack and the males have almost a whisper when they quack. Mine have started quacking anywhere from 4-8 weeks old. Good luck with them.
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If you are talking about mallards, I would like to know myself! I have some that are four weeks old and have most of their feathers now. They all look like brown ducks to me. ha I was expecting the males to have that gorgeous teal color and band around their necks??
I didn't change out the water in their kiddie pool yesterday but did so today and you would have thought they were having the biggest party! ha I have four and would like to hear the answer to this question myself. thanks everyone.
Mine are just about 4 weeks also and they too are all just brown.

I also was wondering, my father in law used to raise mallards for years and he has been making me put vasoline over there ears "to keep the mites out" once a week. He said he had lost two flocks from this and learned his lesson.

My question is does anyone else do this? Should I do this to my others? I have 1 blue swedish, 2 cayuga, & 1 white pekin that are all 4 days old.
I have never heard of putting vasoline on a ducks ears. I never have. If they have mites (which is unlikely), then they need bathing water and you are more likely to see mites in the feather shafts, not their ears. I wouldn't do it. He likely lost his flocks to other things.

Mallard and rouen drakes will start getting their nuptial plumage at about 2 months. They will molt later in the year and become little brown ducks again. Mine are 3 and a half weeks and have just completed the feather change and a couple have their drake feathers.
I have never heard of the vaseline over the ears thing so can't help you, I'm a newbie myself. I just took some photos of my mallards, do they look like yours? Did your F-I-L have mallards when he raised ducks?


Terry, do you have photos of your mallards for us newbies? thanks for your input, I was hoping you would get on here.
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Mine look just like yours. Yes he only raised mallards I guess. I guess Im just supposed to do it while they dont have that oil gland thing. I wonder when they develop that?

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