Mama hen with chicks, Something is off maybe head injury? Advice/help needed please


In the Brooder
May 10, 2019
Hi, my Serama hen has recently hatched her first clutch of eggs 3 chicks, they are happy healthy and adorable. But Yesterday while on my morning feeding rounds I noticed something off with mama. She acted sleepy and had one eye open one closed her head cocked a little and when I touched her head to examine her she didn’t like it and seemed like it may have hurt. (She is a very tame Serama so it’s not like she was acting wild and didn’t want to be touched.)

I brought her inside examined her more I can’t find any wound or anything on her. I hand dropped her some nutridrench setup a cage for her and the chicks with a heat lamp. She is eating and drinking good. But when resting she just acts weird like her neck and head hurt? I’m not sure if that’s the word for it but something is definitely wrong. She also does this weird head and neck stretch and when she does it she pulls her head back and a little to the side.

I just really don’t want to lose her she is very special to me and I love her very much. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Below is a few pictures. First two are of her on Sunday. And the last one this morning


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Maybe she is adjusting her crop? Can you feel of her crop to see if it is empty first thing in the morning? If it is full and hard, doughy, or puffy, something may be wrong. If she has a twisted neck that doesn’t straighten out, that could be a sign of wry neck.
Maybe? I did check that this morning and it was empty. I checked it just now as well and she has a small amount of chick food in it. Does not feel hard or puffy or doughy. She doesn’t want any of her meal worms and that’s not normal since she loves them.

Her neck doesn’t seem twisted. Because she can still straighten it out to look around and can easily drink and eat normal. This is just so puzzling to me ☹️ I just want to help her. If only they could talk. Here is another picture of her right now listening to me as I was talking to her


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She is still hanging on. Some days are better than others. I give her a scrambled egg every other day, she has vitamins and electrolytes in her water. And I have given her more nutri-drench as well. She acts like something is maybe wrong with her neck or stuck in her throat but I can not see anything and I don’t think it’s wry neck because she can still move her neck where she wants. Such a puzzle I just wish I knew what was wrong so I could help her. If only she could talk.

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