Mama leaving four week old chicks?


Over egg-sposed
Premium Feather Member
Jul 29, 2023
Florida Panhandle
Our 7 month old Australorp pullet, Angelina, hatched several eggs 4 weeks ago. She has been a sweet and dutiful mama, but seems to have lost interest in her chicks - and laid her first egg since being broody today.

However, she doesn't watch out for them like she used to and seems to be distancing herself from them.

This is our first set of chicks raised by a broody mom and four weeks isn't fully feathered. Our nights are getting in the 50s. We've been keeping them in a separate pen at night and allowing them some run-time during the day.

She hasn't fully abandoned them yet but should I be concerned that she will?
She hasn't fully abandoned them yet but should I be concerned that she will?
It's okay.. as long as you're not separating them on purpose.. she will judge when they no longer need her for heat...

They should be full time with the flock by now.. not in a separate pen.. how can mom teach them to roost and such?
It's okay.. as long as you're not separating them on purpose.. she will judge when they no longer need her for heat...

They should be full time with the flock by now.. not in a separate pen.. how can mom teach them to roost and such?
They have roosting rails in the pen. I thought that would be better since they were so small. Honestly, I didn't even realize they were 4 weeks old until I started writing this post.
You'll need to integrate them while she still cares at least a little about protecting them, otherwise it will be no different than just buying new chicks and integrating them. 4 weeks is plenty old enough for broodies to start leaving them in warmer months. I have a few hens that generally just up and leave 2 or 3 weeks after hatch, instead of weaning them

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