Man I feel stupid, I can't figure out how to post pics.


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Bryant Alabama
I know Rob said that we had to upload photos to his server but how do you do that? Then what do we do to make them appear. I just hate it when I am being obtuse!
To Post Photos:
1. Upload your photo to a photo hosting site and resize for message board (640x480 or smaller).
2. copy the url for the photo and paste it in your message here.
3. Highlight the url in your message, then click on "Img" button above the message. It will look like this:

4. Use "Preview" button to check picture before submitting.

NOTE to Photobucket users: just double click on "Img Code" on 3rd line under pic to copy url, then paste it in your message.
should appear automatically.

To LINK to photos online:
1. paste url in message (on photobucket double click on "Url Link" on 1st line under pic)
2. highlight and click on "http://" button above message box

It will look like this:

You mean for your avatar or pics in the message?

For your avatar, go to 'profile' > 'personality' and then browse to find the pic you want in the files on your computer. And check 'use avatar".

For pics in the message, they still need to be hosted somewhere else.
Paste the address in the message box, highlight it, click the 'Img' box above the message field.
Or just type
and paste the address of the pic in between the tags.

Lol, I think

Chel, I wrote my post before I saw yours, hahaha, we *think* alike...
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Yes, I must say, directions even I can understand, and make them work!

With time to spare so I can go back out riding..... before the snow gets any deeper!


My poor chickens have been barnbound for months. The ducks however go out daily for a 'swim' over the snow.

Ah but I have an Amaryllis blooming to help me remember that some day the snow will be gone again so they can run about the yard.
Thank you everyone. I tried it and it worked. I will got to Coops and post my latest project but I want to make them smaller first.

Poor April, I remember those deep snow days from when I lived at Lake Tahoe. I loved it them but I was still in my 20's and shoveling snow didn't hurt so much. Wishing you a short winter or at the very least a nice break before the next heavy snow.
April, is your avatar a pic of the Amaryllis that is blooming? That is beautiful.

Beautiful photo too, but brrrrrrrrr, makes me shiver just looking at it. Normally the cold doesnt bother me but for some reason Im just freezing this year.


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