Managing Guineas/ Collecting Eggs


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
We have had guineas on and off for many years but haven't had much success with them free ranging. We have them to keep bugs down as well as snakes. They do not roost high enough to stay away from predators. And they come up onto our porch all the time and make a mess.
I have kept our guineas up in the coop over the winter. They are back outside for the spring and I have a few questions. They are roosting on top of our run (which raccoons can get on top of). How can I encourage them to roost in the trees or somewhere safer? I would also like to be able to collect their eggs to incubate them. When they were in the coop they would't lay in the nest boxes. In previous year the hens have hatched clutches of their own eggs (but we lost a few hens this way). But how I can collect the eggs without containing the birds?
This is our first year with eggs from guineas we hatched last year. Our guineas free range part of the time, usually during the day. We coop them at night due to fear of preditors. We had to be sleuths to find the nests. Our cousin told us to retrieve the eggs with a wooden spoon, don't touch them with your hands or disturb the nest. Then leave some golf balls in there to replace the eggs.
I used some tongs to get the eggs, then put the golf balls back in their place.

You have to do it when the birds can't see you doing it, or they will abandon the nest.
I would love to get mine into the coop at night, but they are pretty wild and don't want to go back into the coop. I would think they would follow the chickens in at night, but they do not.
Yes! We had a very hard time finding their nests (actually our dogs find them first). But that is good advice! I will try that!
My entire flock disappeared last fall for 4 days so I kept them locked up all winter and it has been the best thing I could have done. All my birds come home every night for mealworms and enter the coop themselves. I never had much luck with millet as some do but mealworms are magic treats to collecting the guineas in the evening
Mine were locked up over the winter as well. I will try to lure them into the coop tonight and see if it works. That would probably be the best thing!
During the winter my husband and I gave them cracked corn as a treat while they were stuck in the run. Now they range and when they see him out they come running to see if he has anything for them. He can get them here quickly by calling them with a loud "Wooooooooo!" and they all come running, and flying home to the run! He always makes sure to give them something when he calls them.
yes! my coop has elevated hen boxes I use as food troughs. Cracked corn in one and oyster shell in the other. Maybe thats why the love coming home!

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