Manna Pro Hatch-A-Long! - First Sponsor Participated Hatch-A-Long – Set on 4/22

How's everyone doing? Laura, any news on the remaining eggs? We're getting pretty close. Lockdown for us is tomorrow morning, so we candled for the final time tonight. I'm happy to report that we saw (or at least thought we saw) movement in all 21 eggs! I'm hoping we don't loose more than two at hatch.
Looks like my broody will have at least 7 chicks hatch on the 16th. 2 got crushed early on (she's a big girl) and 1 just vanished. I removed one non developing egg last night. So she's got 8 eggs left and only one is questionable.
Out of 24 eggs that went into the bator only 8 had development. One of those quit on me before day12. That leaves me with 7 so far that will hopefully make it to lockdown on Monday. Those 7 all look good and I can see heartbeats and movement in every one of them. Out of the original 24 eggs,14 of them showed to be completely clear and 2 were early quitters with small blood rings. For percentage purposes I wont count the 14 that were completely clear. Not sure if they were infertile or if they were just casualties of shipping, which is a major possibility. So that leaves 10 with development of any kind that I will count as viable. I am happy so far with 7 out of 10 for 70% in shipped eggs. Crossing my fingers that those 7 all make it to lockdown on Monday and to hatch day on Thursday(ish)...:fl :jumpy
Well, we just threw out 13 eggs that appeared to either be no longer developing or were never developing... It's not looking good for this hatch at all.  There may be something wrong with the incubator, as no matter what I do the temperature keeps changing (which is especially bad when I'm not around all the time to monitor it).

Even though I have had great hatch rates in my home incubator, I'm not very optimistic about the office hatch. :hit


I feel for you. I hatched at a nursing home. I bet every person who checked the eggs adjusted the temperature atleast once. The humidity fell a little too low time and time again. They must have lifted the lid a hundred times. I am truly surprised any hatched at all. I went in one day during hatch and the humidity was at 12 and there was a chick hatching! ! ! They were all cheering on this very sguch chick. I took him out, peeled off his shell then I had to wash him to get him unstuck. He was dry from beak to butt. He lived but has crooked toes. I've never had this incubator dry out like it did on this hatch.

We did have 12 healthy chicks hatch. The nursing home loved it. They asked to do it again next year. The chicks are still at the nursing home :) The chicks are incredibly tame :lau The chicks will stay there no later than wed..
I've decided after 2 failed attempts, I'm getting a better incubator. I really watched the temp and humidity but couldn't get past about 14 days with either batch. Not really sure why. frustated!!

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