Maran adn egg squat


12 Years
Aug 19, 2010
Vancouver, WA
I have a 17/18 week old hatchery Cuckoo Maran hen. She has fairly red waddles and comb. Two weeks ago, I heard her sing the egg song early in the morning as she was leaving the coop. Since a few days ago, she has been doing the egg squat. I'm excited that I will be getting eggs soon, but confused as well. Isn't 17 weeks a little early for a laying hen? none of other chicks, which are all the same age are have red combs yet. Well none except for my BR, who is just starting to change her comb colour. Her waddles are redder than the rest..
Our Maran, Dumpling, was born the last week of March and is the oldest of our pullets. She has a red comb and large waddle and though she is larger than any of the other hens, they are all pretty much full grown and three are already laying. Though Dumpling is huge by comparison she really hasn't acquired the broad breast and general heft that the other hens have gained in the past few weeks.

I wonder if the "early" red comb and waddle has to do with pigmentation?

BTW one of our Buf Orps, Henny Penny, still has a pink comb. so she isn't close to laying yet, but she has been going into the nest box with her "BFF" a RIR, and going through all the motions short of actually producing an egg every second day since Tuesday!
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Update - My Cockoo Maran laid a tiny chocolate brown egg on the deck today
A day after her five month birthday.
How old is she? I have three almost 20 weeks and no eggs yet. Could you please post a picture of the little choclate egg??

My little Maran has laid an egg everyday since she started on Friday. As you can see the eggs are dwarfed by the carton. They look like like those from a banty hen. Best of all, today she used a self made nest in the coop. Now if I could only get her to use one of my nestboxes
Aren't the cuckoomarans eggs so pretty! Congratulations to your little hen!
My CM's started to lay at about 21 weeks,......which I understand is early for cm's....usually they start around 24 weeks.......I guess our's are in a hurry! lol! ~Beulah
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