Marans- BCM vs Birchen


Chicken Fairy Godmother
8 Years
Aug 3, 2011
Long Island, NY
I am currently trying to start a Black Copper flock. I got a few hatching eggs, and am happy with the results. PROBLEM. The BC cockerel I have is a BEAST. Good looking, but crows ALL DAY LONG. And very, well, horny. Has NO class.
On the other hand, his Birchen brother is a real charmer, has manners, I have no problems with him, except, wrong color.
I know everyone wants to see pictures, but I am very stoopid in the camera end of this. Who should I keep? I am not supposed to have ANY roos in my town, but the neighbors have been great, they love the eggs, But the noise has me at wits end.
There is a show next month he is entered in, but I really don't think I can WAIT that long. I keep hoping he will grow out of this, but he is being such a JERK!! HELP!!
I need opinions soon, PLEASE!
How old is the "jerk"? Is he aggressive to people or just a tad aggressive in his mission with the hens? As for crowing all day, that can be an age thing too. Mine quiet down, some, around 9 months. That is unless you have other roos! The other one is the beta roo, so quieter and less aggressive with the ladies. If you are wishing to establish a Black Copper flock, then it would be best to seperate out the Birchen male from the rest, or you will be adding the silver genes to the BCM gene pool. I don't have Birchens, but this would be my guess. Others on the Marans thread have Birchens so could help you more there.

Here is the link to the thread:
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Jerk is 6 months. And he is ok with me,
I just can't stand the hormone thing.
Should I keep him? I know the pics aren't that good
From what I can see, he is a good looking boy! The hormone thing, well, that's just what roos do. I would much rather have an aggressive breeder, that way I know the job is getting done! How many pullets/hens do you have him in with? He'll calm down over time, he's very much in his rowdy, hormonal teenage stage right now.
Oh, I've got quite a few in there. I am just trying to find my niche. The Marans, are, well, kind of POLITICAL. They actually scare me. I'm not trying to have a championship flock, but I would like to have something nice, especially since I am "geographically unsuitable" Chickens are an uphill battle in my area, and the CROWING is making me NUTS. He is the worst one. I have about 10 roos, ALL NOT ALLOWED in my town, and I am afraid this boy is going to ruin it all. I guess I will wait for the show next month, and see the outcome. If I find out he is spectacular, I guess I'll just have to keep him in the garage!!!
LOL! I have so many roos all the time I never knew they quieted down....ever!

I agree with Debbi, Stoopid about the fact that he will calm down and the fact that he is a nice looking boy. Got any photos of the Birchen?

Also, how many hens do you have and are the boys in the same pen with all the hens? If they are competing it could cause him to be more aggressive with the ladies if he is not alpha roo and he is just trying to do his thing....he might think that he has to be aggressive in order to do it without ramifications for the other roo if the other roo is alpha.
Just a thought.
YEAHH, That's why I'm bothering YOU GUYS for opinions. It would be so cool for a BCM flock where I am, but Clyde is such a butt-head. And when he starts in, all the other boys stand in line for the gang b*ng. Maybe I'll take some better pics of him and post in the Marans thread, I'm just afraid to go there, Ya know?. Or, maybe I'll keep Pretty Boy, and have a mixed up flock. Just really for the eggs. AHH decisions...
I also have a Splash roo, another brother. He is another dummy. And no feather legs. Neither does the Birchen.
I have a Clyde too! He is the sweetest roo I have. Like Kim, too many roos here! Last count was 10. They all crow, all day long. Thank God I live in the boondocks!! Are the two boys running together with the hens? If so, and if you can, try seperating them and see if that helps to quiet him down. His crowing is a sign to the other roo that he is here, and these are MY women! If the Birchen isn't crowing much, me thinks Clyde is your alpha roo. If you want, stick him in a box and ship him to me!

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