Marans Cockerels

Im Barred up

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
New Brunswick
I have 2 young cockerels. A Blue Copper Marans, and a Black Copper Marans. I was going to keep the BlueCM because the hens are sought after around here and it would be an opportunity for me to make some money with them, but I like to the looks of the BlackCM Rooster better and he will make for darker eggs with the Black Hens.
What happens if I cross the Blacks and Blues together? Either way, Black Roo on Blue hen, or Blue Roo on Black hen. Are they like Crossing colors of lab dogs and you could get either/or, or does it turn into a barnyard mix? Thanks
black on blue (no matter how) makes black or blue chicks, blue to blue makes black, blue, and splash

could you use the black rooster over the hens for offspring that will go with the blue rooster next year? or split the hens between the two roosters
Keeping both Roosters was out of the question. My hens would be mauled too much. I decided to keep the Black Marans. He's a very pretty bird with a green hue showing through his feathers. Maybe I'll hatch some eggs from the Blue Marans with him and see if they come out Blue or Black. Thanks.

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