Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!


Believe me when I say, I have heard it all before, "you are normal". The problem lies within the fact that they are (some docs) still using lab ranges that are 8 years old! They typically only test for TSH, which is what they were taught in med school when the new synthetic thyroid replacements came out. TSH is NOT a thyroid hormone, it is a Pituitary hormone that alerts the thyroid to produce more T3 and T4. They also go by what the test tells them, and never seem to consider how you feel! I knew I was NOT "normal" or "fine", and I knew it was not in my head! If you are going to an Endo, they are the worst! Try finding an old DO/GP who still prescribes Armour and talk with him/her, you'll have a much better chance of getting help. I can send you a link to a web site that has virtually saved my life! I went untreated for over 40 years...
most docs do now test t3 and t4 when they test thyroid. i was sure my issues were thyroid and saw several docs before one took me seriously. it turned out i was b12 deficient, and severely deficient in vit D. Those together caused symptoms similar to low thyroid.
HI! I am new to this thread and I was wondering if anyone had any idea what color my big boy is. I originally posted it in the "what breed or gender is this" section but someone suggested posting it over here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am pretty sure he is a Maran, but I am not 100% sure. He is almost 1 year old, weighs 8.5lb and is a total sweetheart!

HI! I am new to this thread and I was wondering if anyone had any idea what color my big boy is. I originally posted it in the "what breed or gender is this" section but someone suggested posting it over here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am pretty sure he is a Maran, but I am not 100% sure. He is almost 1 year old, weighs 8.5lb and is a total sweetheart!

WOW! He is BEAUTIFUL! Don't know what he is, he could be part Marans but the leg color is completely wrong for any type of Marans so I am very skeptical.....but boy howdy he is pretty!
Did you hatch him out from an egg? If so...the color of the egg he hatched from would tell the tale, but if you got him as a chick there is no way of ever truly knowing.
WOW! He is BEAUTIFUL! Don't know what he is, he could be part Marans but the leg color is completely wrong for any type of Marans so I am very skeptical.....but boy howdy he is pretty!
Did you hatch him out from an egg? If so...the color of the egg he hatched from would tell the tale, but if you got him as a chick there is no way of ever truly knowing.

Hey! my silver boy has a red twin!!

HI! I am new to this thread and I was wondering if anyone had any idea what color my big boy is. I originally posted it in the "what breed or gender is this" section but someone suggested posting it over here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am pretty sure he is a Maran, but I am not 100% sure. He is almost 1 year old, weighs 8.5lb and is a total sweetheart!

WOW--he's beautiful!!
Hey Lenette!
When do ya'll start your hatching season down that way? I'm thinkin I'll set my eggs Saturday or Sunday (sunday might be best with my work schedule) for my test run with the incubator. I'm excited, but nervous cause I'm hoping it won't backfire on me if the weather stays crappy for too long
That's great news!! I hope you get lots of fuzzy butts!
I got a new wine cooler last weekend that will hold several LG egg turners, that I am working on. Once I get it done, then I will test out some Olive eggers' eggs and throw everyone else into thier assigned breeding pens. By the time the OEs are done cooking I should be ready to start setting the others, provided everyone is laying and the winobator is working properly LOL!
That's great news!! I hope you get lots of fuzzy butts!
I got a new wine cooler last weekend that will hold several LG egg turners, that I am working on. Once I get it done, then I will test out some Olive eggers' eggs and throw everyone else into thier assigned breeding pens. By the time the OEs are done cooking I should be ready to start setting the others, provided everyone is laying and the winobator is working properly LOL!

yeah, I can't wait for fuzzies....Cleaning one of these incubators is proving to be a challenge arms not long enough to wipe down the back and make sure its squeaky clean....I also want to take the top off and make sure the housing where the fan is totally dusted out and cleaned, but the screws are so tight its hard to get them out! I'll get it done tho!

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